Alex Mac Dougall

I don't think one bad episode, dooms a show. But agreed that his criticism of islam, feels less and less apt in the current climate. Bill feels like he hasn't quite adapted to the trump world we live in.

why pick on zack synder?

I agree with you, The nihilist mentality of south park is in someways it's strength, but this was a time for pragmatism not cynicism.

Tolkien's son seems like a dick.

Yeah they really have there genres of choice.

Ah the slow devolution of title jokes.

That song's cool, what's that hot jam. Also wow what a terrible subtitle.

That movie is terrible.

yeah I think you guys might be overstating it's relevance.

I like Paul Rudd

It is pretty cute, I enjoy seeing more mainstream things reference drugs, dumb but cute.

How? …and also why do you care?

Well part of being artist is about attention. I mean it's undeniable, craving praise, expressing one's self to others. I don't really see how lady gaga is guilty of this then anyone else, or how it's even really a bad thing. But I guess any port in a storm when it comes to criticizing things on the internet.

This is music criticism, I mean they might as well pick ratings out of a hat.

It's a reference to the Queen song.

Idk I thought it was fine, not perfect and like everything with lady gaga you completely understand why someone would hate this but at the same time you don't.

Look in order to find tim and eric funny you have to be two things filled with self loathing, and relatively intelligent in the sense that your extremely pretentious, and not you know like a doctor. I realize why people don't get this or do and are just put off by it, but I kind of love this brand of nihilism. it's

I think if you listen to the song there's nothing really ironic about it, do people shop at thrift stores ironically sure, but the song is about consumerism and how we value things. But I suppose people will just make shit up to hate on anything popular.

and that difference is?

After reading this I kind of hate al madrigal, I'm not a really macklemore fan, these reasons are just stupid oh no he says cock in the song I have to explain what a cock is to my son and everybody knows what happens to kids when there exposed to words like cock and honkey. They kill people right? That's why parents