Alex Mac Dougall

I don't get the hate on this album, it feels a bit like harsher treatment being given to someone who is normally much better, but it's still a perfectly decent rap album not great, but like most albums there's a handful of song that really stick

I will never understand why people like Marc Maron, I've tired listening to WTF, I can't stand the man. Comedy Bang Bang, Pod F. Tompkins, Giant Bombcast, Smodcast, Now Playing, are my picks.

I will never understand why people like Marc Maron, I've tired listening to WTF, I can't stand the man. Comedy Bang Bang, Pod F. Tompkins, Giant Bombcast, Smodcast, Now Playing, are my picks.

mee tooo

hes down there blazing wicked deep

hes down there blazing wicked deep

Eric Wareheim is fucking awesome

Eric Wareheim is fucking awesome

best podcast hands down, Giant Bombcast

I want to like wtf, but I kinda hate mark maron, he's not funny to me, and interviewing style is irritating.