Alex McLevy

I think his solo series had no clue about it, and here they smartly learn into it in all the right ways.

Quick reminder, though most of you know this: Please, no spoilers for later episodes. There will be a Spoiler Space going up tomorrow for you to vent your thoughts about any and all episodes.

Constantly. Also, let me stress that I still haven't gathered up the courage to approach one of the other major ones. I get flustered/stuck just thinking about shooting people in fucking Bioshock Infinite, for god's sake.


In some ways, that would make the most sense, I agree. (I did write about playing Destiny 2 in our roundtable of the beta.) But part of me also likes the idea of taking what I've learned and seeing if any of it transfers over to a brand-new popular first-person shooter/multiplayer universe, or if my Destiny-specific

Oh, and thanks for loving Shooter Tutor. It was one of my favorite features I've ever written, too. (I hope to do a sequel, soon.)

I know I'm a broken record here, as are the other staffers, but we love you all, too. And I continue to want you to see a slight format shift for what it is—a format shift—with all the same content, commenters, and every single pre-existing thread continuing to be there ad infinitum. I look forward to reading any

I will defend Digger to the end. Which is to say, another 12 episodes.

We have literally been spending our time making sure that doesn't happen. Look to any of our discussions on the subject.

Should be fixed now.

I was told that, god damn it.

I didn't mention it above, but to speak to your point about character moments, I am really loving this version of Bobby Briggs, this episode especially.

I blame the whiskey. And Ed Sheeran, of course.

You're absolutely right to catch that: It was a condensed section that had two sentences joined together in editing. Fixing it now.

Goddamn it, you're absolutely right. Not sure how that snuck in there. Eventually it'll be used incorrectly so much that it'll become correct, but NOT ON MY WATCH. Fixing it now.
And good eye, Merk.

Actually, it wasn't tvequals that I pulled it from, that was an official press still that NBC released. Her own network confused the two. Even NBC isn't watching NBC shows, apparently.
Anyway, nice catch, you guys. Fixed now.

I'll take that bet.

I love Trip too, but he's too busy being the new Patriot in the world of the Framework.

Quelle surprise! My virgin ears!

Every time you refer to Romero as "Alex," it makes me fear I did something terrible and will die next week.