Alex McLevy

I call that "Tuesdays."

Technically a "story by" and "teleplay by" credit, but yeah, interesting to see him doing some writing for this final arc as well.

fuck me, that's right. good catch. </edited>

UPDATED: Endless Seeso ad problem has been fixed.

Hang in there, we're working on it.

I agree that kids his age are super-annoying almost by default, as we all were. It still doesn't make for a very watchable character. (And, as I had to point out last week, this may not be entirely the fault of the role as written.)

That first Buffy game is so fucking good. The second one…less so.

Oh, it was the opposite of reassuring to us, the audience. But in David's mind, it connotes something very different.

You're absolutely right, not sure how that happened. Anyway, thanks for bringing that to our attention, it's been fixed.

Yeah, I hated the hyphenation. This seemed easier.

Let it be known some of us have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with Buffy's style.

Apologies. We're working on it.

That was my first assumption as well. They've been so focused on The Framework the last couple episodes, suddenly pivoting back to the LMDs was a surprising (and cool) move.

Corinne should get cheese cubs stacked on her head even when she's awake.

My favorite typo of the day. Thanks for pointing out, it's been fixed.

These are both far superior options to Quack.

Hmmm. I'm going to have to go back and watch again with the subtitles. It's just a somewhat odd conversation, even if Fitz thinks Simmons should have been included in the project from the start.

Yeah, the Judas bullets are likely the only even vague nod to affiliation between the Netflix and ABC versions of the MCU we're going to get. They've been very clear that they just can't maintain continuity among anything other than the universe-rattling effects of the movies.

Fair enough—whereas for me, the lack of effort of Salvation's point makes it way worse. I much prefer an ambitious misfire to an utterly lackluster and milquetoast fail-fest. I guess it depends on how you like your off-brand Terminators.