
Also the only clattery british engines I can think of are all diesel. I mean nothing else I can think of sounds remotely industrial unless it was under the bonnet of a lorry or a Land Rover.

I’ve driven two Jukes. One was manual, the other auto, I just didn’t think it drove badly, it just average. Plus it just doesn’t just seem that great as a concept ether , as a micra hatch is the same size and drives better. Same engines I think, but I cannot get over how much I hate the styling, it feels like they

You know what, I forgot about the Murano Crosscabriolet. Now I want them to completely die as a company again.

Maybe this is just the universe punishing Nissan for the Juke and Micra CC? If it is, then it is cruel, but fair. 

I’m very interested by that V8 Saab 9-3.

Well if I see an estate in BRG, with a red interior and a manual gearbox (with the 2.5 or 3.0, I don’t want a FWD Jaguar, that’s just plain wrong) I would look into buying it. The chances of that however, are slim. In saloon form I’d still entertain the idea, although XJ40s are also cheap at the moment, and they are

I think it might be a supply chain issue, as the one I drove was on its fifth or sixth owner, I forget the exact number but somewhere around that, felt fine. Not factory fresh, but compared to same year Mondeos, far better. Maybe it’s the name that stops people from being too rough with them over here, as Jaguars are

100,000? Damn. I’ve driven a 2.5 V6 manual X-type with 150,000, felt surprisingly tight considering the mileage. I like them, I’d considered one in the future, I liked it that much.

Oh, my bad. Yeah, I like the styling too, it’s not exactly an E-type but it’s not a Eclipse Cross ether.

I can’t hate a fun cheap car. Unless it’s a MX-5 (joke, please don’t kill me I drove a ND couple years back and now I want one. Well a 124 spider because I like the idea of it and the styling interests me more. The ND just looks really constipated and slightly angry to me) and even though it’s FWD, or Wrong Wheel

CDW27? Is that the end of 90s-early 2000s Mondeo platform over here in the U.K.? My Ford knowledge is lacking. 

It’s one of the ten FWD cars I’d actually buy, I’ve driven one and it was just fun as hell. Really responsive, didn’t torque steer that much from what I can remember and was just fun. Sorry for the crap description, but fun is the best word to describe it.

Uh, you mean like the shoe company?

Thank you for reminding me of that car... no, monstrosity and crime against taste and vehicular design that deserves nothing but a tank to put it out of my misery. Yes, I did word that correctly.

It makes no sense, but even after god knows how many years I still remember this advert, so it worked. Well partially, I still haven’t bought a Puma. Soon, perhaps.

It’s not axle hopping, it’s powertwerking.

Now playing

I preferred it when he was driving a Puma instead of a Saturn SL1 instead of a Mustang fastback. 

My point was it’s another bloody repetitive mod. I like originals restored, because as I said, shoving a bloody great V8 in it, you lose that character of an old one. If you want a V8 Land Rover, you are not short of choice. But oh well, I’m not complaining.

I guarantee that you cannot push that engine to even a tiny bit of what it can do in that Land Rover unless your brother has basically replaced everything bar the chassis and body. They just weren’t built for speed, they were built to be a farm vehicle or a utility vehicle, with about 70hp tops. Although my point was

I can see your point of view, but I really do think the old one was overrated. It wasn’t that easier to work on than anything else from the 90s, or really any smaller car from now. It was a car that was desperately in need of an update, as it was out of date when new. Sure, it has 85 ECUs now. Whatever. It can now do