
Husky and Starch

The real Skip Bayless is locked in a cell several hundred feet underground. There, his cruel captors siphon hot takes from his shattered mind 24 hours a day. Bayless huddles in the corner of his cell, naked but for a rough sackcloth and short length of hempen rope that he uses as a belt because it isn’t long enough to

Wide deceiver???

Sounds like my ex wife!!!

McCourty is a smart dude (and a fellow Rutgers alum.)

You were in the goddamn Slack in which I clearly laid out that I have never listened to Phish in my life you troll.

You can shoot out of it. You can shoot pigs out of it.

Colin Kapernick should stick to *watches recent game film* uh actually politics and social media

GQ’s Drew Magary weighs in:

Deadspin’s Philly contingent thinks Chase Utley is garbage for what it’s worth.

I got so fired up about the Eagles after reading this that I threw batteries all over my office.

Congratulations to the Cardinals for turning two double plays.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

That’s my son! He’s fine. A couple scraped elbows and a huge grin. 14 year old JT Vukovcan. Wants Kang to sign his ball.

Roberto Cemente

My theory is that you can’t be clutch but you can not be not clutch — I don’t think people get notably better, but I definitely want a dude who doesn’t crumble under pressure.

The triple option is the most exciting offensive strategy in football and passes are boring.

Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh! Double D baby!! Double D! Diaper dandy! Dipsy Do dunkaroo baby!! Also shes got fat titties baby!! Ohhhhh!!