
an excuse for more zachary levi, yay! please be good. being good enough to see even without zac as an incentive would be a bonus.

mind listing those 70% of your favourite horrors? :)

wow thanks for the rec! this show already made me spend hours googling on The Cold War because I was so confused all the time, I don't live in the US and don't learn much about the Afghan/South Africa arcs enough to keep up so I had to do a loooot of homework. I ended up feeling so much for the South Africa Apartheid

good memory there! Which ep was it on Philip's? I need to go back and watch it again

Finally a mention of JimmySteve! 🙌 where are all the shameless fans here? completely believable though about the same universe, was it on purpose? (how could it not be?)

off topic: one of the best constructed Time Travel rules and it's world I've seen is done by a Korean tv drama called Nine: Nine Time Travels. mind blowingly convincing, tight and brutal. it's the one that was picked up to be remade into a US TV show on ABC.

I have a problem deciding between the book or tv show all the time, because in past experiences I have had to force myself to forget the books when I watch a film adaptation, and it still did not help me enjoy the film fully, I'm always left with a bitter taste. (Gone Girl, Divergent; I keep consciously waiting for

The chemistry between Robert and Anne, plus the Old/Young becoming BFFs dynamic is making me weirdly excited and also totally up my alley. why isn't it September yet? :(

that's a relief to hear! thank you for the clarification! :-) yes I have heard about the greatness of Beyond, only thing I'm wary of is that will the dated graphics turn me off?

true that! but they could do that in a way that does not label it as the grade for an entire season, and note that they'd come back to it and regrade after finishing it… whaddya think? if not these inaccurate grades are gonna cost people to either miss out on a great piece or waste hours on it.

I think experiencing 9 is enough, whether or not one finishes it. even just half the game and the loving memory is still fresh in my mind after a decade from when I was a kid; it was my first FF. I did pick it up again on a friend's PSP 5 years back and got further, but I had to return it :'( 9 is very precious.

I stopped after getting through the Circle Tower, but only stopped because I had to read up more on skills/classes and needed time for it, and work is always more important. from what I remember, it wasn't unbearably tedious… it was pretty fun! but yeah it was the longest battle so far at that point, so after

wow, by changing my perspective, I get why the clunky combat isn't for you and yes fluid battle waves are liberating, it's nice to see differentiating opinions. but just to offer the opposite side of view, The Witcher 2's was so charming to me. it's the slowness of it that makes it extremely realistic and a breath of

heh, first playthrough and I saw the challenge for drop assassinating a tallboy and excitedly did it the first time I spotted one! it was indeed so damn cool :D

aww this made me sad. I feel you. nobody should ever go through that.

this made me chuckle and relate so dearly. agonizing is the perfect way to describe the gun keeping or dropping that made me absolutely omg bonkers!@!#?! but as I level up I quickly realize it didn't matter at all since I get better guns quickly anyway :P and I gunned straight for maxing the backpack by early 20s

wow, I didn't even notice them until I went back to find it. like I did see them while watching but it sure must not have bothered me as much! looking at it now, they do look a bit cheap……….. was it done on purpose? obviously the aesthetics and art direction of this show is artsy fartsy. so it really seemed like it

omg for the thousandth time, Xo was promising God for her MAMA because it was what her mama really wanted and now she is in a coma so the first thing she could think of was to give up or sacrifice something big so God could bless Abuela to wake up! and it did make her mama smile when she sneaked a peek. it was the

I swear some commentors of this show make me feel it is sometimes deeply misunderstood. *secretly raging inside* I feel like I constantly have to defend it from people who maybe watch half asleep

I actually feel that the writers are clearly showing us the honest sides of Rafael, times where he didn't hesitate to tell the truth, like when he told Jane she was actually suing him, and when she asked about the passports his reaction didn't even have a hint of shadiness or panic. he could have been only 90% honest,