
maybe Jane and Rafael does not work for you, but I'm sure many others do ship both of them for valid reasons.

exactly. this was absolutely needed to point out to OP that Jane quitting is out-of-character, her "friends" aren't as hardworking and bitchy, Jane obviously gets personal satisfaction in the waitress job because she proudly stated she was voted Employee of the month twice, so what is the point of saying that they

when does it show that Jane doesn't realize her mom is the best parent for her ever? when everyone else sees that Jane does and appreciates Xo genuinely?

hmm… I guess Deanna gets to fulfill her own fantasy of running her own little community in this apocalypse. I thought/hope she would be smarter than what we're currently getting.

oh yes, it was subtle warning here and there, I realize! and thanks for bringing up Deanna's strong delusions that her security is enough, I almost forgot about that. but Alexandria's lack of security will affect the gang too, it's also a risk to their lives, I wonder if they will realize that and start being strong

it wasn't ~that~ surprising about Michonne though because she has always been a good mix of hard/soft, she was so eager to check out Alexandria and practically gunning for it till Rick gave in. but this also doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. she seemed like she really needed a break. and I know that when Rick needs

yes, I get the feeling they are doing it on purpose or the show just hasn't shown us. In Rick's group, only Rick, Darryl and Carol are the masterminds in keeping mum about certain things and planning behind their backs. I thought Michonne would be in on it too, but she seems to be settling down a little.

I get why Deanna treasures the people in Alexandria, it's because they are the only people who can provide her with the warm community she wants to build. however, as smart as she is, she has got one thing wrong.

wehhhhh kinda off topic but speaking of original songs in games, I immediately thought of Vera Dominquez - A Twist of Fate for Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate! I fell in love.…

so, I did a rewatch, and wow – no one mentioned how cool it was when Fiona was jogging with Ian…. because it was a longer one-take than I thought it was? 19:19 to 19:46! and then right after that another one-take until 20:07. I keep replaying it. heh :)

no! I like Amanda more than I expected to, too. :) it was a gradual warming up to that was subtle. at the end of last season and their farewell in this ep, I realized she was perfectly what Lip needed at that point of his life, and I cannot imagine another girl with another kind of character and background that can

wow, I actually did not get that downgrading of the social classes. yay me. thanks for this, you rock! I think it was the lack of sleep or the adrenaline that the show is baaaaack

as someone who was enjoying every moment of Svetlana's interaction at Kev's, I felt hurt when Vee got raving mad that her baby was being fed "hooker milk" :( I thought that Svetlana was badass in teaching and helping Kev and Kev looked so happy, so Kev must have felt excited to tell Vee all about his new hairdo while

hey this was really relatable to me! can I get a double hi-five? :) I love frank, which are three words which would seem like a blasphemy here… but I get him, his character, his appeal, his antics, I totally do and enjoy them. (and also because he's William fucking H. Macy)

I felt thankful for your reply, because I was starting to doubt my enjoyment of RD a year back while reading this.

I love all here who stood up for the perfection that Banshee was/is and continues to be and proceeded to shit all over on this <3 (boo to those who blindly joined in the dissing) DAT C UP THERE IS A CRIME

reading through the comments, I feel upset that people who support spoilers find the need to make us anti-spoiler-ers feel like we're horrible people and fags like we deserved to die. why? it's not my fault, I can't help being affected by spoilers, why do you guys have to make me feel like we're abnormal and you're