
I typed a similar comment and then deleted it. HD is in the business of making money, that’s it. They’re no different than any other major brand.  HD doesn’t care about DEI any more than Bud Light did.  They care about money.  That’s it.  Money.

You lost me. What does this proposal have to do with the constitution? Or are you just ranting because a Republican proposed something you don't like, so it must be illegal?

Someone needs to be made an example of, here. In China, someone would hang for this.

I wonder if the headline would have included ‘snowflake’ if it had been an anti-Trump license plate?

In many states the F&I guy has to offer you those packages and you have to sign that you are declining them and that you were informed about them by law. 

Was this an ad?

Maybe I’ve become disconnected to what “affordable” means, but $47k+ is not a ballpark number that comes to my mind.

Ignoring the Elon tweet which I don’t really care about, but this article was the first I’ve heard of this murder at all.  I subscribe to the NY Times and just checked their home page. No mention of it that I could find there either. I also follow RSS feeds of many news organizations and blogs (which is how I came

You can get 2 Lou Malnati’s or 2 Pequod’s pizzas shipped nationwide for under $100, which isn’t really that bad, but I can get a LC Detroit style personal deep dish for like $6 right down the street, so I’m not sure it’s 15 X better and worth the trouble.

Or the wife could get a job instead of, I dunno, calling into a radio/podcast show and painting her bread-winning hubby as a chump.

I’m not here to say any of that. But I will say that if someone had a student loan for which payments were paused, and during that time they purchased a car took out a loan they would struggle to afford if/when student loan payments resumed, I have zero sympathy for them.

Arby’s has the best mozzarella sticks for a fast food place. Mostly by default, but I like the coating, which eats more like a batter than a breading. My only beef is when they seem like they were pulled early to speed up the process, and the inside is warm, but still solid. When they’re fully melted, and sometimes

Usually people who make sound decisions of any sort do not buy Raptors.

“The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck.”

The Best Grocery Store in Las Vegas Doesn’t Sell Any Groceries

Semi-serious question: Has anyone ever gone to Portillo’s for a salad?

Literally not true. They had a profitable business going with their exchange.. they fucked up when they started using customer funds improperly, and just kept losing each time they tried to cover previous losses. 

Their platform was basically printing money. All they had to do was operate legitimately and carefully and they would have dominated the industry for years and years. 

The person you’re replying to would really prefer to get back to his old habit under his other accounts. But he occasionally slips up and turns out some vileness under this “play nice” account too:

I second the motion.