

Is this an AI generated article? Florence Ion is obviously a fake name and the whole article reads just a little off. I hope Gizmodo is committed to letting us know if articles are AI or human generated. 

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MSNBC did a follow up with Gavin Newsom on the debate and boy, he wasn’t having any of it.

Van Ness said sports are ultimately about camaraderie and friendship”

I have never watched this “show” and I am not saying it is fake, but the YT images and titles make it look fake. I know people make bad financial decisions, but some of these seem just off. Maybe I am wrong though or maybe it is a bit of a mashup of real and fabricated to make it more “entertaining”.

No word on HOW they stole that much gas? Fill and run at the pump or tapping into the tank somehow? Seems like a LOT of gas to be doing it from the pump.

Can I just pay money so she doesn’t come to my house?

Threads is overall fine, but they definitely released it too early. The lack of features at launch (Some of which has been addressed, like a web app existing) really hurt it, but it’s realistically the best “contender” right now.

I mean, maybe they should focus on building an efficient, long range, reliable EV before they worry about making some one off performance thing......

aiight but we aint in 2018, I want 25K$ in today’s money =)

Back in 2018, then again in 2020, Elon Musk promised that Tesla would bring a $25,000 electric car to market within three years. The pandemic may have messed with our collective perception of time, but I’ve done the math, and it’s been five years since that initial promise and we still don’t have that $25,000 Tesla.

They’re both raging narcissists, but yes.

you might be surprised to learn that...

It isn’t just homeless. Banks have made it a policy to often shut their doors to lower-income working folks as well.

The terms ‘unbanked’ and ‘underbanked’ would preferable, because they refer to people who don’t have bank accounts, or who don’t have credit or debit cards, without reference to the circumstances that left them that way — there are plenty of working Americans who fall into one of those two categories, too.

It’s over half a million users each day just in the US, but whatever. At least Threads users can be confident their platform will still exist this time next year.  X users, not so much...

Is there some other way you’d propose to make $170k annually?

Vegas doesn’t reimburse when you lose a bet.

I am going to steal “Weapons grade crazy” for my personal vernacular

WHEW thank god, equality in luring children into diabetes first thing in the morning.