What's more offensive, showing a picture of a Chinese-Canadian as an example of Hispanic culture...or using a stoner classic as an example of Hispanic culture?
What's more offensive, showing a picture of a Chinese-Canadian as an example of Hispanic culture...or using a stoner classic as an example of Hispanic culture?
He's obviously offended by the stupidity of the human race, not so much the edit...
I'm sure that the letter from MaryJane was probably one of the cleaner hate mails you received. I just honestly think it is hilarious when people get so angry when offered alternative opinions. I also liked how this letter seemed to think it was completely implausible for a child to lie for their parents. Parents…
Au contraire mon frere. I believe people like you, so damn angry at people they have never met, who also don't understand sarcasm, are the problem with this country. Maybe his kid wouldn't quite begging him for it, and he bought it to make his child happy, and if you think saying "listen son, this game has a…
I'll join the berating. Most people that spend the thousands of for a sleeve of this caliber, not to mention the weeks-months of work to complete it, aren't that big on "regret." Also, show me one 70 year old that actually gives a fuck about what people think of them.
They've made a huge mistake...
I'm going to say what pretty much everyone else here has. Your loss, bro.
You'd think that the Republican party would have researchers that know that people play f*&%ing video games, and that by saying that someone who plays an MMO has a "disturbing alter-ego" and "bizarre double life" is not a good way to secure votes from the gaming crowd.
It's one of the most popular MMO's, and has been on the top of the totem pole for almost a decade. If you don't like it, just say you don't like it.
I've watched an interview with a few of the players, and most of them say some variation of the same thing " This isn't fun anymore..."
Your comment confuses the shit out of me. I honestly don't see how a "non-gamer" could even begin to comprehend everything that goes on in a LoL match.
I'm more confused by your comparison of Angry Birds to LoL, than I have ever been by anything I have ever read on the internet. Ever. You have obviously never played LoL, and therefore your comment is invalid.
There is a quote in the directors cut box for T:1 that says one of the main reasons they didn't go with OJ, was because Cameron didn't think people could see him as a coldblooded killed...
Well then here's a hint for those people, don't click on a NSFW tab at work.
I enjoyed the movie, specifically because it was a shot for shot. I even enjoyed the ending, but I think I liked the book ending better. All I'm saying, is that I totally understand why they went the direction they did with the movie ending.
Oh, I'm not saying it's a smarter ending. Quite the opposite, it's a dumb-ed down ending. Again, for the masses...
I love when people are shocked, baffled, or upset that a horror franchise is getting a sequel. Look at the horror genre as a whole; there are more sequels in this genre than there are original ideas in some other genres.
Besides the crappy graphics, the engine works pretty well as a simulation engine. I definitely don't think it earns the title "really, really bad." Now the first Two Worlds game, THAT was a bad engine.
Oh yeah, screw GS when it comes to trading in. I've found, with a little bit of hunting, that most metropolitan areas now have a "Used books, movies and more" store somewhere in their vicinity. These stores will offer around 50% of Amazon.com cost in cash, or around 80% if you go for the trade credit route.
My thought about the changing of the ending of Watchmen, was that anyone who never read the comics, would be completely clueless as to why massive, genetically engineered octo-squid randomly teleported into the city and killed everyone. Plus, there was a lot of set-up to this in the book, which I feel would have…