Alex Francis

You do know refurbished means "once broken, now fixed" right? I'll generalize my statement, and say it again, once broken, more likely to break in the future. Also, last time I checked, out-of-warranty red-ring repairs cost $150, not to mention the 2-4 weeks that it takes to complete the whole process and get your box

Yes, blown calls do happen, but when 2 refs disagree on a call ( as you can see that obviously do in the above image) they always run their thoughts past the white-hat. This didn't happen; 2 refs ran up, they looked at each other, and both signaled different calls. Also, if you saw the replay a thousand times like

But they did get it done, that final play was an obvious interception, no ifs ands or buts about it.

How is it ignorant when the original 360s had a failure rate of around 75%. My white box redringed 3-4 times before I said screw it and bought a slim.

In my experience, once a box redrings, it is that much more likely to redring in the future. So if you are looking to hang onto that xbox for a couple more years, it's probably a smarter investment than just paying microsoft to "repair" it.

I'm really curious as to why you couldn't even play it in off-line mode. The first Borderlands doesn't seem to suffer that bug, and this would probably be the first non-mmo that I've heard of having this issue.

WoW has more service interruptions in a month than Steam has had since it's creation, and you have to actually pay for WoW. I'd say Steam is doing a damn good job.

Resident Evil isn't Resident Evil anymore. Yeah, 4 was a nice change of pace that added a bit of action to the game, and 5 welcomed the addition of multiplayer; but if those were things I wanted out of the franchise, I wouldn't have played the slow-paced,fixed camera, and many times terrifying games that preceded

Except he stated that he knows his own work was inspired by the work of others...

I really don't understand all of the hate for the revival espisodes. I feel like these past two seasons have featured some of the best episodes in the series.

Anyone else spot the Gizmo and Totoro in the Dinosaurs on a Spaceship clip? Good job parents :)

The human race would likely die off long before the planet if we just sit here.

I think a sequel would be dumb, seeing as how the world was practically destroyed. A prequel could be neat though, they'll just have to kill all of the "subjects."

Dammit, I got really excited about that Misfits post, until I realized it was just notification of old episodes being shown on Logo... which would make it the only post on here about and episode that aired almost 2 years ago...

You called?

You spelled "call of duty bullshit" wrong...

I could understand how the three paragraphs above might be a little trying for you... which is the "article" I was referring to. I just going to assume you're trolling and go about my day.

I believe it was on the left side. Saw it in theaters, so it's been awhile, but I distinctly remember branchy arms reaching out of the elevator.

That way, if they're too smart, we can just bonk the hat up a bit, and reduce the monkey to plane old dumb human standards.

Stop trolling, you can clearly see the seem where the beak connects in the pic on the right.