Alex Francis

As if that weren’t bad enough, this poor lady finally made it to the hospital, only to discover that this was her attending medical team:

You. Have. To. Set. The. Table. 

The Canes really took control after this, holding the Caps to one shot since the 7:20 mark of the 1st period. 

And detractors continue to shit on Deadspin, while simultaneously padding their stats with constant views of the content that they say they hate.

Missed my favorite one

- hi, we’re giving away words today
- oh yeah? what’s today’s word?
- “perfectly”

EVO has the advantage of being a real thing

That key is a greater organizational nightmare than any of King’s works.

Stevoo’s a known troll that creates new accounts, then throws games to get ranked in bronze, just to stream himself stomping on lower tier players, which he has been banned for more than once. I’m finding it a little hard to conjure sympathy for him now

Too bad they nerfed him into the ground

Glad to hear Evolve is getting a second life!

McAvoy better known as Professor FleX.

Idk Narcos has been doing pretty well.

That’s easy for you to say.

God is disappointed with the Thunder?

Then how do you explain shuttlecocks?