Alex Francis

I missed Nathan a too, but Rudy turned out to be a damn good replacement. Give it another chance.

I honestly didn't think it went of the rails that badly. Rudy was a decent replacement, and I enjoyed his power quite alot. It definitely wasn't the same show anymore, still entertaining though.

Sooooo, I've read pre-Cable and Deadpool, the Cable and Deadpool series, and post Cable and Deadpool. If you think it looks stupid, then it honestly sounds (to me at least) that you've ONLY read the Cable and Deadpool series. Deadpool is a lethal loudmouth horn dog pseudo idiot savant, and damn near everything I saw

Sorry, should have been more clear. I actually enjoyed it because I wasn't expecting much.

Well, it was made with a budget about 1/20th the size of that of a Dreamworks or Pixar film, and was animated entirely in the Phillipines. So those two issues are most likely the reasoning for the shitty animation.

Your health and water both need to be replenished. Their decay rate depends on how much running your doing, I believe. You also lose blood from zombie attacks, which can be refilled by eating, or a blood transfusion, which I haven't quite figured out yet.

I haven't ran into too many "kids" playing Day Z. I would think that any kid would get bored with the massive amount of running, sneaking, and searching that goes into this game.

So I went ahead and bought ARMA 2 and the expansion, the bundle was only like $30, so if it goes on sale tomorrow, I will indeed be slightly peeved.

Just go with the aussie or brit pronunciation : Day Zed.

Agreed, and the best on , imo, is the Avengers Hulk.

Sheesh, I know right. If I see one more reboot of Sherlock Holmes and the Hounds of Baskerville, I'm just going to kill myself.

I thought the Ed Norton Hulk was considered a reboot, as the first movie isn't even considered canon.

I was wondering the same thing. "Oh no! Powerful thunderstorms during the summer?!?!? Must be climate change!"

College Education = DLC; Insurance of all kinds = DLC; Cable, Internet, Phone = DLC; You want fries with that? = DLC; Pretty much anything in life that isn't fully necessary for you're survival on this planet = DLC.

I redboxed it and beat it in 3 days. Fun game to play, I would say not worth the purchase though.

Looks fun. I'll probably do my own research on this later, but I hope there is some sort of "bone breaking" implemented into the combat.

Scott Pilgrim was the exact example I was going to mention. But with more Fourth Wall breakage.

"Because inside out is Wiggidy-wiggidy-wiggidy-Whack!"

Thank-You! NPH would be a grand Wade.

Your "entering coordinates" comment was what confused me on that one. Having a joystick to dart around people in a frigate would be neat. TBH though, since the combat is nothing like other space shooters (ie, aim, pull trigger, explosion) I'm not sure how much a joystick would even help. Also, with the larger ships