Alex Francis

I guess it all depends on the career path you take. I would love to get into some Incursions, but I'm having fun in my group of 3 (4 if you count our salvager) just running level 4 missions for our corp. We make around 50 mill apiece in 4 hours of play, and the lvl 4's atleast make the missions exciting.

I rather enjoy the "leveling" system in the game. You don't have to be on while it runs, and if you take a break from the game, you're still training. If you think the 20min-1day training times are bad, just wait until you get around 5million skill points. My shortest training right now is around 3 days, with the

I just posted this in my own discussion, but I'll let you know as well. The game doesn't let anyone be without a corp, when you start the game, you are put into a beginner corp. Ask questions there, as alot of Vets hang out in these starter corps to help people learn.

I love EVE, because I see it as a "grown-up" MMO. You can't power grind to max level in a week, you can't clear endgame content in your first month of playing, and most of all, you have to be PATIENT. What I love most about this game, is that I can not play it for 2 weeks, and my training queue is still moving,

You can double click anywhere in space and it moves you. Unless you're warping, which takes about as much effort.

Luda, I'm with you on this one. Dead Space1 actually scared me at parts, and had way better boss battles. The fights were more intense, and stuff snuck up on you more. Dead Space the action game treatment in my opinion, and I don't remember any of the boss fights. Yeah the zero g/flying was better, but they

I love Fatal Frame. Every single one has successful scared the pee out of me more than any other "horror game" out there. I would love to see one on this generation of consoles though :/.

dead space = a guy shooting alien zombie thing's limbs* off.

If you really, truly want to practice with another army, just proxy and use your imagination. I do it all the time, and my roommate and I only have 2 armies.

The article specifically state that crawling is a choice you make to reach places/hide, not your forced primary means of locomotion. Just saying.

And like Whale said, parents of young children are most likely not the intended audience. Also, video game, not reality.

Glad someone else feels the same. On a side note, Brolin's young K was so good, that my roommate was wondering if Jones did voice work/ dub over for him.

Now, Charlie Jane, I'm normally on par with your reviews, which was why I was completely blown away ( in a bad way) by this one. The negativity is practically oozing out of my computer screen. I can understand if you weren't in awe from this film like you may or may not of been with the first one; but HATE, really?!

I'm being straight with you right now, if you enjoyed either of the previous films, then go see this one. I'm honestly quite baffled by the negativity of this review.

That's exactly where I went too.

If you're a gamer, and you have been playing this generation of consoles on an SD TV, AND haven't gotten fed up with shitty resolution, you either A) Don't game enough to notice/care, B) have never seen HD graphics on an HD display, therefore don't know what you're missing, or C) used to play Dr. Mario on a B&W TV,


So, about 4 years ago I decided my SDTV wasn't enough for my gaming, when I couldn't read the text in Dead Rising on a 32 inch SD. I saved my money, for not that long, to get an excellent 32-inch HD, cost me around $400. With any "adult" that has a job, that should take you about 2 months to save up for.

Just for the record, Gale Anne Hurd does outright say they're at a prison, at about 0:50.

^That too. I normally wear contacts, but I wore my glasses one time, and it definitely put a damper on the situation.