Alex Francis

That's exactly where I went too.

If you're a gamer, and you have been playing this generation of consoles on an SD TV, AND haven't gotten fed up with shitty resolution, you either A) Don't game enough to notice/care, B) have never seen HD graphics on an HD display, therefore don't know what you're missing, or C) used to play Dr. Mario on a B&W TV,


So, about 4 years ago I decided my SDTV wasn't enough for my gaming, when I couldn't read the text in Dead Rising on a 32 inch SD. I saved my money, for not that long, to get an excellent 32-inch HD, cost me around $400. With any "adult" that has a job, that should take you about 2 months to save up for.

Just for the record, Gale Anne Hurd does outright say they're at a prison, at about 0:50.

^That too. I normally wear contacts, but I wore my glasses one time, and it definitely put a damper on the situation.

Let's face it, if you think 3D sucks, then you either haven't seen the right movie, or you only have vision in one eye.

My real question is, as an i-phone owner, who owns an i-phone and doesn't have the muscle memory to change a song without looking at the phone. With texting, I could see someone taking their eyes off the road, but seriously, changing one song? You don't even have to unlock the phone to do that.

Looks like someone is getting the ole Ernie Hudson treatment.

That's actually what those pics looked like when scrolling by quickly, glad someone else got that too.

I love when words like "recently" are used when discussing the happenings of a galaxy 12 million light years away.

Soooo, I know Ender's Game doesn't include a scene where anyone ejaculates on anything. So I'm assuming it's the work by McKernan. I, however, don't personally feel like scouring the internet for proof of this one scene. So is there any support or info that this scene actually DOES appear in any of these books?

Unemployment factor #456756 : Nolan North

I'd really like to actually fight Clayface. He's been one of my favorite villains since I saw the Batman animated series episode after school all those years ago.

I was thinking people could do that, but if I go that route, it would only be because I missed the date in question.

That's exactly what I've been thinking.

I feel that, however, reviewers are often TRYING to beat the game quickly, as they have a deadline. I feel like the larger free-roaming aspect of this game will provide much more distractions than the first one, but I'll see tonight at midnight.

Yea, also funny that they STILL haven't corrected it.

Also, X-Men Destiny.