Alex Francis

Say what you will. But I liked him because the novels were enjoyable, and dammit, he was a badass. Not to mention the fellow travelers he adventured with. Now that you mention Wolverine, I guess that group could kind of be the X-Men of the fantasy verse, lol.

What they said.

Yea, these models do actually show up later on in the show. SO there is that. Sounds like to me you only watched part of the first ( maybe the second) season, and then threw a fan-boy fit and gave up.


I would honestly rather read yours than any of the above. However, the Kotaku elite seem to think these above choices are the only ones worth voting on. Sorry mate.


Ok, i'll agree with that. If it was precise enough, and the sensitivity was reasonable, I could understand using quick, subtle head turns to affect the characters view. My main issue lies here, am I using it to turn? If so does it know to stay locked in that direction when i center my head back to the tv? Or I am just

Well if you don't have a Kinect, you still have to shell out $150 for it. I had the original Steel Battalion, and that controller was awesome. However, the game was hard as shit and I never ended up actually beating it, which then made me regret shelling out and entire console's worth of cash on it, and the controller

That's what I was assuming. I've got no problem with it. I enjoy the game either way :)

I've got 3 campaigns going now. A solo Playing as Purna, a 22 player as Mei, and a 3 player with Sam. Not only does each campaign offer different gameplay because of the different characters, but having multiple people (especially with Sam's Aggro Grab skill), makes each one exciting and different in it's own way.

One neat touch that I found, was during the beginning of the game. At this point, whenever you kill a zombie, your character makes some reference to how horrible it is. It happens much less frequently later in the game.

It's not just you. The fact that during almost every cutscene, Logan makes a football analogy, or someone makes one towards. That's almost blatantly campy.


Yea, 360 version seems to be the winner here. Just keep an high out for those city wholes, I saw my buddy get stuck,and have tried to stay on the beaten path since then, lol

Well, to each there own then, i've enjoyed the solo experience, as well as working with friends. The location changes keep it fresh for me.

And i guess some pc versions got shit on.

See, i'm plying on the 360, along with 3 of my roommates on different boxes, and none of us have run into any game breaking bugs. I thought it was the pc crowd.

Why the (few?). Maybe i haven't noticed, but has the pc release fiasco turned people off to the game? Are the (minute) amount of bugs (i've run into) really ruining the game for people?

I keep hearing about bugs, so I guess the PC version has much more bugs than the xbox version. While i've ran into some very small collision bugs while playing with my buddies, I haven't really noticed much else.

Warhammer is a great table top. I stared playing 40k with my buddy a few years ago, and now have a fantasy army. I find fantasy to be a little bit more fun with magic and all, but 40k is definitely the place to start for beginners. The movement, rules and phases are just easier to pick up in 40k, and it will prep you