Ok, i guess i'm just not reading enough, but every review I've read (IGN, Here, Gamestop, etc.) I just didn't see anything about borderlands, and it confused me, because the similarities are glaring. Regardless, i really enjoy this game.
Ok, i guess i'm just not reading enough, but every review I've read (IGN, Here, Gamestop, etc.) I just didn't see anything about borderlands, and it confused me, because the similarities are glaring. Regardless, i really enjoy this game.
Why does no one mention how close this game is to Borderlands as far as game type goes. I've seen more comparisons to Fallout, and this game doesn't really remind me of fallout at all. It has multiple, massive free roam areas, linked by load screens ( just like Borderlands) gear type is colored based for quality( like…
"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits the shelves, you're going to see some serious shit"
@Ace: The difference is that the Wii uses straight motion sensing on the controller's part, while the Move uses a camera to depict its motions, and then relay said motions to the system.
@Solytus: Lost Finale = We all find out Stark made the island.
@carpe_k9006: It's not really even a problem, just tiny HD text. It's also definitely not the only game to have said issue, whose developers have done jack-shit about it. Of course they aren't going to do anything about it, it makes the text look great in HD, and slightly difficult to read in SD.
@FukenGruven420: Yea, those games are annoyingly short.
@KaneRobot: This game can be beaten in 2 hours or less, and it's awesome. Why not play through it again?
@Taggart6 no longer shines!: Let the midnight special......shine the light on me.
@Rear Admiral Meatwad: He wrote the script in the 90's, and probably finished it in the 90's.
@chapoec: Yea, but those were both based off of movies. So they had no chance in hell of being good.
Seriously, there are too many people getting offended by this in the comments.
If the rental companies in my town would have received more than one copy each of Heavy Rain, I'd be playing that. However, since these store owners believe Bionic Commando should have it's own row, rather than stock there store with titles people will actually rent, then it looks like I'll be working towards Prestige…
@chapoec: I'll give you that. However, keep an open mind. All Batman games sucked until Arkham, you never know what might happen
@Adhominem: I understand that point completely, and agree with it. If you antagonize the guy, you're going to find yourself in hot water.
I'll definitely say that this mod was being a little mouthy, but the video is such BS? There are moments when you can see the chat icon light up, and no on is talking, or hearing the Pros voice when the Pro isn't talking.
@Andrew Wyatt: THere actually is a PS3 equivalent of the redring. It's called the yellow light of death. True Story.
@relatively_speaking: From what I've read in the recent Game Informer, it sounds like this Final Fantasy could lack a lot of the extra substance that made the others so alluring to me.
@Amazing_Spiderham: I see what you did there.
@QualityJeverage: Completely agreed. What's with this idea that games have to be amazing or not worth your time. What happened to the middle ground? The good old 6.5/10 range.