jesus loves rotaries

My first RX-7 was an 88 base model that I got for free. It ran... Kinda, but the cooling jacket had corroded and it was dumping coolant into the housing.
My father and I pulled the engine using a come along hooked to the roof of our implement shed. We broke the 300 foot pound flywheel nut off with a home made torque

1st gear: I rented a 5 speed Spark in Mexico and drove south through the Mayan Riviera in it. Stupidly, I even took it down some dirt trail toward Punta Allen that should have popped it's tiny tires and blown out the struts. It didn't.

AKA the ground effect. Happens at or below an altitude roughly = wingspan. Pretty interesting phenomenon.

Nice sound... Was it just me or were the gear changes really off? Like why shift in the middle of a pass while the revs are still low?

I'm done with this. I have the right to perform my own research and form my own opinion about former Nazi party members. I suggest you do the same. As a person of Russian Jewish descent please don't give me shit for that.

Right. Because everything is black and white and you should always treat the general tone of a Gawker blog as fact.

The guy was an over-achiever, what can I say. Of course nothing excuses hatred, but the ability to admit you were wrong and change is a rare and good thing if it did indeed happen.

The article states that he both hated Jews and that he later attributed that to youthful ignorance. are both not true? People can change, so why paint him as a lifelong racist?

OK. Then how about this:

Crushing debt from maintenance costs is a hell of a deterrent to buying another planned obsolescence era BMW product.

Yup. Very high EGT's. Always understood it to be the lack of a head to cool things down. I put an ebay cat on my FC way back when and it melted a hole straight through the wall of the converter!

Zimmerman actually argued Self Defense, not Stand Your Ground. A friend of mine who is big on concealed carry and self defense law broke VA vs FL Self Defense Law down for me this way:

You lost me at 45 HP and drum brakes. I think this guy typed one too many zeros by way of resting his smoking hot crack pipe on the keyboard.

I'm with you. That fan could prob be trimmed and re-balanced. Some custom fab on the necks of protruding caps. There is probably some muscle car scoop whose dimensions would allow the intake and throttle to sit under the hood cleanly. Still a bit too much dough for such a hack job. There is no telling what else lurks

It was more of a rhetorical question and an excuse to use that GIF, but at least you can admit that you were wrong.

Seriously, who doesn't vote this NP!?

Dude. We get it.

#7: You'll add more excitement by swapping in a lower ratio rather than a limited slip diff. 2.93 to 3.25 gives you a 10% change in ratio and you get a 10% increase in torque delivered to the wheels. To appreciate limited slip, you have to be on the bleeding edge of traction.

A wankel is always the answer. Especially that one.