
So much for the US military for all those military bases in Japan. They never lift a finger in these Godzilla movies, lol.

Are old style tvs being used for some reason?

Kinda happy that they still use the older GTR models. That looks like an R33

Now that’s an accurate engineering response.

Did they have to use such an awful soundtrack to produce those videos?

Where the hell is Bronn?

Does any other Air Force have such a successful plane in their inventory?

So he’s ok with the whole US Government agents murdering American citizens and looting them.

They totally reused the plot from Dark Forces. Sassy mercenary steals Death Star plans. Lots shooty bits, Dark Troopers. Maybe there will be a Bothan Genocide thrown in for good measure.

You can’t really fix the bad writing and script timing.

At least to one was left to die in an elevator.

How is they can use Beastie Boys songs when the late MCA stated in his will that none of his music can be used in advertisements?

Also the weather makes us happier.

That’s a one way ticket, there’s probably no way to get out.

Kind of disappointed this was a jackass stunt than innovative technology to demolish a house.

What the hell is the Zika virus?

Fuzoku as in a prostitute? I don’t know the context but I’m genuinely curious on this festival.

What would be great is to combine these elements with the ridiculousness of Monster Hunter.

Surprising close to the fan art floating around.