Will this be handled as federal terrorism charges or just a local criminal attack?
Will this be handled as federal terrorism charges or just a local criminal attack?
100 feet into the air isn't space, I haven't really seen any launch glitches like Fallout or GTA.
"Faster and quieter than anyone..."
Makes noise, alerts all terrorists in the room.
Does that include the 30% pay gap between male writers?
Did I miss something in the anime? When did they get RPGs and bows and arrows?
Armbands on black are associated with the SS, the zealous Nazi enforcers who oversaw and enacted the Holocaust. Here's a link that I can provide. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzsta…
Hauptsturmführer Hans is now a fan of K-pop.
Why does the cartoon have to be a black man?
Wow stun guns, why not real guns? Oh yeah he's white.
whomp whomp
The Navy adopted the right shoulder US Flag as well?
What's the story behind Riccitiello, I don't follow much but heard his name before. Is he considered the face behind EA's big corp image or what?
Are there people on board when this happens?
Are there missions where you get to harass unarmed planes in international waters? http://online.wsj.com/articles/midai…
Can't they just tone up the anti-japanese rhetoric to sell more consoles?
So he ejaculates 100 times a day or orgasm as in some sort of spasm?
Nothing a few disabilities lawsuit threats can't fix.