Burrito de EJ25

With your military avatar, it’s obvious it’s you who is the brainwashed one. Just keep never questioning authority, just keep supporting the apartheid states our allies are perpetuating and just keep believing in the supremacy of this piece of shit country.

I wish my local police would spend money on stuff like this instead of the surplus military equipment they buy to harass, intimidate, and re-enslave people of color.


Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”

“Please stop reminding me.”

Because spewing unnecessarily carcinogenic exhaust all over the place isn’t bad for humans or the environment.


It is not that simple, the major automakers lack the technology to make long range EVs, there prototypes are mostly for recreational purposes and staying in the know on technology. The issue of economics is not limited to just the price of parts, but making back your money on R&D. And these automakers spent a lot of

It's a very well-thought-trough strategy. They found oil laying around in the ground of their waters, and no government on earth would be stupid enough to just leave it there. Rather, they sell the oil, but try to manage the money as responsibly as possible. This means working towards an extremely stable economy,

I have motorcycles, and an electric bicycle. The bike lets me commute to work in a reasonable amount of time and sweat along bike paths in Los Angeles that skirt a lot of traffic and lights. Horses for courses, as they say.

Yet assuming everyone is going to hurt you seems like a horrible way to move through life.

If that’s the state of your country, it’s time to move.

Burrito de EJ25 gave you a clear cut example of why generalizations can be harmful: when they are applied to races and ethnicities. There are obviously others as well. His point was: All rational people should be offended by a generalization which discriminates against a group of people who did not select themselves

and wants it back....NOW.

Hum, I wonder why Nascar fans get such a bad rep...

This is absurd. No wonder they’re building plants in Mexico.