Burrito de EJ25

We all like to joke about how German car drivers are insufferable dicks on the road but I’ve honestly never seen a more consistent bunch of assholes than the people driving Infinity G cars. Curious if they’ll migrate to this thing.

Why does it matter when?

“On this inaugural episode, the presenters forced jokes and chemistry like a constipated chihuahua...”

Infinity G cars reign supreme as the fuck boy-iest cars in the world.

Yeah, but ya’ll are fucking pro at unprovoked stupidity.

I hope this is all true only because I really don’t like Tanner Foust.

Where’s the punk rock or underground hip-hop soundtrack at?!

Fucking hell no. I like controlling all of my windows from the driver’s seat.

We should all be content with shitty conditions lest some imbecile perceive it as whining.

Republicans are so bad at nuance.

No other country lets you quit from one miserable, abusive job to the next. None. We’re unique. We have freedom. No country has freedom. We’re a special freedom snowflake.

You’re right. These people should be ever so grateful that they’re even allowed into this circle of abuse. I’m so sorry. What was I thinking? God bless business owners.

It would have been nice if after he found the car he’d treat his employees like human beings as a sort of thanks to the universe for returning his brown mullet-mobile.


I mean, sure. I wouldn’t screw with someone’s car. But I literally can’t feel any less remorse for this humongous sack of shit than I do know. You couldn’t scrape a shit for me to give out of the bottom of this barrel.

I mean, no. Stephen Hawking is brilliant and great. Papa John is a monumental piece of shit.

My parents had a Dodge Gran Caravan (Sport ‘03) and it had electronic pop-out windows. It was a minivan thing.

(Or they’re not real M3s)

It’s marketing. The cars are supposed to resemble something you’d pick up in a show room. Chill.

1.6L restriction. That’s why.