Alex Cannon

Death 2 Buzz

I hope this trailer is cleverly misleading and it gets REAL WEIRD. Has potential!!

Flavored vodka in club soda. No cals from the mixer, lots of flavor from the booze, which come in so many flavors, the orange or citron ones are the most refreshing I find, but vodka comes in such a wide variety of flavors, its basically like adding a boozy flavor syrup to club soda.

Smith and Miller were just the names I saw most frequently on the whole national map (I actually dont know if I've ever met one white Smith in my entire life living in the Northeast)

I'm certain almost all the Smiths and Millers are from a great great grandparent who changed their name either to hide their actual ethnicity or just start a new life away from whatever family bullshit they were running west/north/east/south from. Surnames in America really amount to precisely nothing.

Or easier, avoid the shower, send a gift. Go to bachelorette (if you're invited). Showers are boring AND evil.

How does one give a sure-footed blowjob. This sounds advanced, and I like to be on the cutting edge of blow-job technology, as to not end up like one of these dishwater soaked sucker wives named in the article.

I'm overjoyed. Are you telling me they made a 90 minute "walk off" scene from Zoolander?! This is brilliance. Needs a little more bowie, but we cant win em all.

Does anyone remember what 4chan calls the act of actually participating in the forums? Its vulgar. "Pissing into an ocean of piss" This is essentially the nature of this very hilarious troll on their 'own' (if its true)

Lets be best friends.

This isn't about the coincidence of alcoholics who have also used acid once or twice in their lifetime. This is a report on a controlled, monitored LSD therapy to treat alcoholism. Or, RTFA.

This is a real thing that is being explored currently. Prior to his death, my father was undergoing this sort of treatment with incredible success, he went for nearly 3 years without a single relapse, which was totally unprecedented in over 15 years of severe alcohol abuse. So yea, it works, I thought him untreatable.

This was a good scene in the book, and well done here. (read: not overwrought) Excited.

Working 8 hours a day in photoshop/graphics manipulation software using a trackpad is absolute torture, very uncomfortable an inefficient. In fact, designers have a very similar position on the keyboard and mouse as a PC shooter gamer, left hand on the keys, right hand on the mouse. Comfortable and efficient.

I think this stands for most trades. Just go work, and you will learn.

At least they seem to make an effort to hire students, instead of underemployed holders of bachelor's degrees with little to no living expenses they need to pay for by themselves.

I actually read it not long after I posted it. Its hard work! I think TV has made the work seem much more glamourous than it really is, which is, essentially, poorly regulated manual labor.

Re: Female chefs: I think its pretty simply a boys club situation. I knew an incredible female chef who would bitch about the boys-club thing, how the more seasoned men just didn't want women in the kitchens. She was a hard ass though, really clawed her way to a great position.

All pretty true. The sexual harassment thing is intense, and I'm actually surprised any of it gets reported, oftentimes its just a "suck it up, its sort of part of the job" (especially when perpetrated by customers, which is a larger portion of it)

Should have shelled out more for the Photoshop Button Premium, with built-in fuckup-check.