Next - the 9 month application process in order to obtain the license to actually get an abortion.
Next - the 9 month application process in order to obtain the license to actually get an abortion.
Pretty disappointed in you, Corn Pops. You were good stuff. Big, crunchy, light, easily marketable to children (why didn't you jump on the whole "corn-sugar" bandwagon, corn pops?! C'MON!)
Yes, I'm getting the "way i feel on the first day of my period x1000" vibe from this, not "why don't i look heidi klum 1 day after birth" at all.
Honestly, I could easily see a car mechanic reading up on string theory in his spare time. Occupation doesn't necessarily dictate intellectual capacity, but in the case of these women they're not even having opinions about issues, they're spewing the party line garbage of the sort of people who still put stock in shit…
Holler at you. Fuck Rompers. And if I ever saw a girl my own age at a bar with ring pop YOU KNOW I would bump her in the shoulder so it accidentally got in her friends hair. YOU KNOW.
Screw guilt, this woman will be angry. And so will his kids.
No, awesome idea, and I'm doing it tomorrow.
SNL should always be this daring.
Paper beats rock?
if you're doin it rite.
Tube dresses: great for managing both chichos and baby mounds.
Michelle Obama's arms: Do Want.
Agreed. I have lots of male friends, a few with at least a bachelors degree, who work in skilled labor. They are often more sharp, less lazy, less entitled, and seriously hard working than dudes I know who went to college and have some soft desk job. They're also some of the best-read people I know.
-$9.95 : Credit for our service guy unplugging you on the roof to help remedy your neighbors service
This article really could have survived a mention of the current war against organized labor going on in this country right now...and that it was events like this, this sort of cost (a lot a lot of bloodshed) that labor was finally organized and protected in this country. The fact that elected officials are trying to…
Yea, i would be a dick if I didn't hold a door for someone. That shit is rude. You ever have someone look at you while letting the door closed? Common courtesy is going out the window, I swear.
It's just as nice to hold a door open for a man. I do it all the time.