Michelle Obama's arms: Do Want.
Michelle Obama's arms: Do Want.
Agreed. I have lots of male friends, a few with at least a bachelors degree, who work in skilled labor. They are often more sharp, less lazy, less entitled, and seriously hard working than dudes I know who went to college and have some soft desk job. They're also some of the best-read people I know.
-$9.95 : Credit for our service guy unplugging you on the roof to help remedy your neighbors service
This article really could have survived a mention of the current war against organized labor going on in this country right now...and that it was events like this, this sort of cost (a lot a lot of bloodshed) that labor was finally organized and protected in this country. The fact that elected officials are trying to…
Yea, i would be a dick if I didn't hold a door for someone. That shit is rude. You ever have someone look at you while letting the door closed? Common courtesy is going out the window, I swear.
It's just as nice to hold a door open for a man. I do it all the time.
because its nice.
I certainly hope not.
The idea is not to prove her worth to others, but to reenforce her own self worth to herself. Sort of like, 'yes, i can quite obviously open this door for myself, but thank you for treating me so nicely, sir or madam"
She'll learn the intricacies of this particular social awkwardness on her own, probably in college or at her first internship or job. This goes beyond gender, it can be a status thing. I would absolutely hold a door open for my boss, a teacher, and basically anyone significantly older than me, be they male or female.
From Wikipedia
same..its distracting.
@Patrick Mc Rae: Thanks for this note. I happen to have rosacea and it sucks, and was thinking, "I'm not a heavy drinker, wtf jezebel."
I disagree, experts. I find sex sort of disarming. Its not hard to talk about other 'friend' stuff, or be embarrassed about things when you'
Its reasonable. In Antarctica the gore resulting from childbirth or a miscarriage would most certainly attract the Elder Things or god forbid, Shoggoths.
That photo is extremely hot. I'm blushing. What is this article about..what website is this??? hoo..
This is pretty dumb. I do the catholic school bun/mopp/thing when i sleep or any other time i dont want to deal with my hair...because when I'm in my house, or its sunday, i can do whatever the hell i want with my hair, thank you very much.
@missbossypants: you just made my fucking life.