Alex Cannon

@Kenyakarma: Yes, you are right. I am 10x more terrified of a horse than i am of any cat.

God. I'm terrified of cats. They are not of this world. They don't operate like other mammals. No circadian rhythm, did you know that?

@OnTheLevel: I'm not into labels, man. At the time, there were no trans students in the school.

We had a 'mix and match' day during spirit week that turned into an unofficial cross dressing day. I remember 2 things:

@NefariousCAT: However they want! If you're mature enough to recognize and begin expressing your needs and desires as a transgendered person, I'd hope you also had the good humor and confidence to choose to either decide how YOU would dress on a day like this, or choose to simply not participate, as I'm sure many kids

You're just encouraging them.

There is nothing NSFW about this.

@Yerzriknot: jews are awesome, arabs are okay, sit back white people, we've got this under control.

And the libs did laugh heartily, and order another round of lattes and they did keep on making legislation.

Seriously Jezebel, don't knock good advice. Equality is not about bitching about inequality, its about acting equal and in return being treated equally.

Now playing

@YomikoReadman: Its the ducks vaginas, it has several false passageways that the female duck will close only for the duck she wishes to mate with. Other aggressive ducks she does not wish to mate with will have their sperm deposited in these false passages.

Seascapes...who knew!?

This is very likely fake. Attractive girls can totally want to be brokers, but when they quit their jobs they tend to just, you know, quit their jobs, and not post very well produced photoshoots in two different outfits in what seems to be an exclusive for

She's just trying to increase her odds of being the one to bear the second coming of Christ, bringing on the rapture.

on with the gif pride parade!

@jinxedluck: So really, what you're saying is that relationships ought to be disposable?

Design*Sponge is a fuckin gateway drug to the crack that is wedding websites. They sneak in a taste here and there and you're HOOKED. I never gave a flying fuck about weddings until I learned it didn't have to be in a north Bronx catering hall with limos and chicken parm or salmon.

The perfect answer, I learned, when serving and being asked "so when do you get off work?", is "later".