Alex Cannon

@rhymeswithfeather: Apparently the Catholic Church was the single driving force behind researching and promoting Fertility Awareness until 1980. I don't really know how this is supposed to make me feel. I think its probably wonderful for trying to conceive, and a bit dubious as a single form of contraception.

Amen, lady.

12:20 My boyfriend just got here. He's extra-late because the ticket-taker automatically directed him to the theater showing Iron Man.

Fuck yea.

Migraines, and bad ones. My sister suffered the exact same symptoms on the exact same pill. I switched to Loestrin24 and by the 2nd month, no more Migraines (they were bad, seeings spots, nausea, going home from work kind of stuff)

This is the best news i've heard ever.

@mandiandi: I think laziness goes a long way... honestly, simply introducing yourself as Marie Maidenname will establish your identity to an employer, regardless of what you actually put on your W2, thats the accountants concern.

@wandergrrl: my mom was coco-hoto for her first marriage. I laughed hard at that one.

My mother set an excellent example (as she did in so many areas of life as a modern woman) in this name change issue.

As a female gears fan: Yes, she should.

Any excuse to break out the turquoise heels stands valid in my book, perilous as they may be.

I love her arm in #4. It looks muscular and womanly and natural. I love this. She is a beautiful girl. (I dont care much for her talent/personality, but this is a nice mag piece)

@yinyang: girly =/= unprofessional. Dresses are a great way to do business casual, just mind the length, and please don't wear those floral print monstrosities that are hitting the racks this spring. Those are unprofessional.

Jesus hell, those the catalog...that look like men!!! unngh

Plz 2 be not wearing sweats in public. Thx.

After reading several marriage articles on Jez (which i enjoy, by the way, please continue, a dialogue is great in the blessed absence of social and familial pressure to marry)

@whynotshesaid: Yes, i would. Race issues are extremely major and are never honestly discussed by people who are not 'of color' out of fear of retribution.

@scullymurphy: This was also my first Jez story. Its awesome.

@ShankhamalaMorpheus: although, i gotta admit, Palmer Poodles is very cute, very creative, but how do you think the poodles feel about being associated with such an offensive, obvious white supremicist ablist (whatever the fuckist) individual?

@madam.w: @ShankhamalaMorpheus: Art is making shit, which is a hell of a lot better than what you're all doing, which is patrolling a comment section bitching about "offensive material"