Alex Cannon

...good tailoring.

I could listen to him talk forevar.

The only reason the good in this selection were considered good at all (with the exceptions of perhaps Jennifer Hudson and M.I.A., was because the bad was just so over the top bad.

They look like a Doomsday cult.

As an individual who has lost her wallet so many times it should be diagnosed as some sort of disorder, this is a good product, i dont think $20 bucks is worth it for some thang, but I am going to put some thought into how i can utilize some of my every day objects to keep some discreet emergency funds around.

@lex2712: I hear you on the anger about always having to foot the bill, and its not always just financially. Regular old BC is incredibly taxing on the body, hormone treatments really fuck me up in the head (way heightened anxiety, etc, and i'm no nutcase), but the alternatives suck.

Where is the well-publicized uproar over all the erectile dysfunction advertisements we'll all be subjected to YET AGAIN during the super bowl?

Some of those dresses were terribly un-January.

@stacyinbean: thats pretty cool, when i read "perfect time to tell my pita chip story" i was 99% sure that it was going to be lame...totally not lame at all.

@dianersb: apples are a hardy fruit, a mere quarter of a watermelon and some diapers wont deter their crispiness.

This entire roundup reeks of the mid 90's

@happymisanthrope: That's pretty heart breaking. Where is the justice for hard-working people?!

@brendastarlet is on it: I sobbed mercilessly last Christmas day...but it was less self reflection, more feeling sorry for myself because i was having dinner with my boyfriends painfully boring albeit totally fucked up family and missing my own painfully fucked up but brilliantly entertaining family.

Spencer: Just thanks for keeping Yonkers out of the upstate bracket...I literally have to clinch my teeth and breathe deeply every time a Long Islander tries to assert that Yonkers is, and therefore i am from...upstate.

@HereComesMyBaby: Man, now I know I could handle the pain, Irish chicks are natures baby making factories, but i really don't want to be dumping myself in front of the doc and the nurse and my husband badfjkdsagda

This might be the single greatest event in douche history.

Holy hell she's dressed like a Long Island chick.

Additionally...tiger cankles FTW


What i wanna know is IF Lauren and Justin hooked up than why the fuck didn't we get to see it...they're only followed around by camera crews all the g-damn time. I hope they have some awesome flashback sequences or some shit, while LC or Justin Bobby Greaseball Extraordinare recaps the events which lead to such a