Alex Be Heatin


In the hands of the wrong actor, the clumsy dialogue on this show can be rough. I cringed every time Josie or Cheryl spoke. Alternatively, the actress playing Veronica makes it work by really selling it

I'm aghast by the current executive order banning Muslims from entering the country, but there's definitely a difference in anti-immigrant sentiment prior to the New Deal and after. The people coming to America's shores prior to the mid-30s still had to work and produce, as the government provided no material support

Being able to force a 49 year old Scalia-type into the court via nuclear option might make sense for the Republicans considering the next likely seats to open will be Kennedy & Ginsberg (so there isn't much chance the filibuster-elimination will bite them in the ass anytime soon)

As a Trump supporter I would welcome the Democrats to run Hillary again

Obama was steamrolling through the primaries and had near 100% AA support as well as high favorability with swing voters.
So even during the primaries it was not "fanciful fiction".

I think the emphasis was meant to be that she was appointed specifically by the previous administration, not that her position is filled via appointment

The AVClub giveth (an excellent article on the inherent nostalgia derived by the Garden State soundtrack) and the AVClub taketh away (Trump article #75,439,266).

He was a horrible candidate. It's fanciful fiction to believe middle America would vote for a socialist or that African Americans would vote for an atheist. Also a politician with ZERO accomplishments. Plenty of material for Trump to steamroll him on

10/10 refute

The wrong Penn lived!

You worship a false god, and will soon be cleansed by the sword of Whole Foods Cola, now with stevia!

I thought Shultz stepped down in order to focus on "high-end coffee experiences"?

Son you didn't fight in the Cola-Wars. I was there. My entire battalion of RC-Cola fans were mowed down like we were carbonated bubbles

Who's Kevin Pang? How fast does this place cycle through writers these days?

Hopefully her kids will be able to attend from their integrated school. Oh no wait, she was against that…

I misread that as APA

If it's any consolation, that Green Day song was the "official/unofficial" song at ever single graduation ceremony in the country that year.

It was a tie between that and American Pie. Tough times for those of us who graduated in 1999. (Although we narrowly missed the terrible Vitamin C graduation song)

Two things: