Alex Be Heatin

How so?


Republicans weren't allowed to filibuster Obama's cabinet picks. That's how this whole mess got started when the Democrats opened Pandora's box on changing the rules

There's an argument to be made that people who base their identity on "geek culture" have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Making signs of a fictional character to emphasize one's cause runs the risk of undermining their credibility.
Moderates and functional adults will see these people parade

She would know. She has the wisdom of the eagle and foresight of the buffalo

Phew! That'll stop Trumps cabinet picks from getting confirmed, education being dismantled, and that idiotic wall from going up!

She's a pretty strong speaker to YOU. But middle America views her speaking method as hysterics.

Yes - especially when they use it as their primary source of news

Which really makes one ponder what the left is doing wrong, and if we're just going to make the same mistakes in 2018 & 2020

But can they also have the effect of dissuading potential converts? If so then it doesn't seem like a winning strategy

"Science and facts" and also such gems as "har hat let's call him Drumpf! That'll eviscerate him!…..wait he won?????"

They made it harder for swing voters to identify with the Democratic Party

Warren running for the White House would be an absolute failure.

Well…it's not really Oliver telling you what to think. It's his team of 12 writers who script his material

The Wolverine Origins game on the PS3 was shockingly phenomenal, and a billion times better than the movie it shares a name with. It's essentially an Uncharted/TombRaider game but based on the xmen. Also it's easily the most violent game ever made

There was a period in….I think 2011, where we had the Thursday night two-hour NBC comedy block, then Sunny, then the League, and then a new (short-lived) Beavis and Butthead.

30 minutes of Jost's vacant stare! It's what America wants!

"and discuss whether its creators have any obligation to address the current political reality"

They should have hired Alice Cooper to play Alice Cooper

The oscars are just entertainment for most of the 34.4 million that tune in. The folks that assign too much worth to pop culture and silly movie-star circle-jerks are merely a vocal minority that use entertainment to fill an empty space in their lives where family, community, career and fitness normally take up.