Alex Be Heatin

He lost his job for breaking federal law?

Rasmussen just reported Trump's favoribility rating went from 35% last week to 59% today. His nonstop activity seems to be viewed favorably by a majority of the nation

I just sold a bunch of stocks after DOW 20000. From election night to yesterday my holdings increased by 33%.

Exhibit A

Just announced a press briefing - House Republicans prepared to fund the wall:

Why did the rapper Alex Hamilton, beloved by the left for his rapping skills (and opposed to slavery), come up with the electoral college?

Does the swing voter know he's a nazi? All they're seeing is a Trump protestor sucker-punching a man.

That is my assessment, yes.

The one major flaw with trying to modernize the property is the romance triangle concept with Archie, Betty and Veronica. That's a relic of the 1950s. They would just have regular threesomes in 2017.

r/pol is enormously partisan

You and I have vastly different opinions of MSNBC. But if you're accustomed to mega-super-left websites as news sources, then yes I suppose MSNBC would be right-leaning from your perspective. Hell, Sanders and Warren would be right-leaning from such a distorted perspective

If there's a part of the internet that you feel doesn't meet your safe space requirements, there's a little "x" in the upper corner for you to click on

That's why I come to the AVClub to interact with you

It's not spin if she lost

Exhibit A

Who were the cleaning crews? Why didn't everyone just take their property with them rather than throwing it into piles on the ground.

My assertion is that Huffington Post projected a 98% likelihood of Hillarys victory. I then posted the HuffPo story as well as their follow up where they admitted to being wrong.

Of course they aren't. But two fatal mistakes:
1) engaging in punching, poo tossing, etc
2) and the overwhelming praise for those actions,
will drive more people in middle America into Trumps arms.

how likely are they to do that? The salient image (happily bandied about by leftists) is merely of the brave sucker-punches. It doesn't include a 57-page memorandum detailing Spencer's horrible views.

Samantha Bee is an icon for feminism and progressive values. She champions many of the issues facing modern society and pushes for greater equality and integration of marginalized groups.