i would give up if i were you, straw hat is imagining a world in their head that doesn’t actually exist - god i hate ‘truthiness’ and all it brings. when can we get people back to critical reasoning.
i would give up if i were you, straw hat is imagining a world in their head that doesn’t actually exist - god i hate ‘truthiness’ and all it brings. when can we get people back to critical reasoning.
read all your replies in the thread, lets see if i can show you why sirslud is right and its you that has the weird illogical double standards.
Why rebrand. There are lots of folks who loved G4 and never saw it that way. This is about the audience assholes, the show didn’t make them assholes.
ah we have a winner, the first (of many?) person in this thread a) making an excuse for the behavior and b) implying nothing should be done about it.
indeed, look at it this way, nothing tells us they are real either - maybe the audience is supposed to make its own mind up, or maybe its just poor story telling, lol.
yeah i never got past first loop, or first 10 mins of outer wilds, i found the lunar lander practice thing after maybe 5 mins of exploring, couldn’t control it, exited, deleted game.
nicely said, hilarious that people think if they hate it everyone should hate and if they like it everyone should like it. personally i don’t like chocolate - they are called preferences for a reason.
its matrix footage, games are written in matrix code (you see it on neos screen) as such the games look like the matrix - aka real.
they were not talking about video games like anything - i think you missed what they are actually talking about (its not video games at all) and missed the point about this article.
you don’t even know the children are real, they could be programs, another form of control of the matrix...
awesome ramble :-)
Great article, i am amused by the folks who think games are literally being dissed in this movie. I think it shows their insecurities about this hobby. You nail it that is a metaphor/allusion. This is as much more about externalizing the feelings the wachowskis have about their creation and its importance - was matrix…
I read this and your replies, those were better articulated. You are right it is a niche, I would be careful of making broad generalization of the average person. Oddly this year my 70+ year old parents asked for a quest (i have never evangelized VR to then at all) - there is definitely a lot more people dipping their…
Or maybe its bad journalism to assume because a game doesnt have X feature now it won’t have it in the future. Of course they will add this, its games as service for better or worse.
Full time Employee positions at the larger organizations that aren’t shitty (cough activsion etc) - otherwise no. And it is rare people make move from contractors at them to FTE - but possible...
You do realize you are arguing semantics right? That early access and beta are, in reality, squishy meanings and in most case synonyms? If MS make any changes based on feedback they will have met the criteria for being called beta?
FH5 its not supposed to have any compelling narrative so weird you state that about it. It’s also ok to want games with narrative output - BTW go play hellblade if you haven’t already :-)
I booted it up for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago. Never played a MMO, was bored after 15 mins and uninstalled it - maybe it was because it took me over 30 mins to figure out how to get it to stop showing me micro sized text during the character creation.... Keep your memories, play something new?
Thanks, this just reminded me to go turn off my auto renewal for the online subscription. They have had 3 years of my money and I think I used it once or twice, kept it assuming N64 was around the corner for same price. I don’t think they get that with a subscription one has to keep adding new things at same price….…
wow you seem triggered by this game, if it stresses you that much (i never noticed on xbox what you are talking about) maybe give 5 a pass, save your heart?