
See here’s the thing, they didn’t make Halo TV Series for the fandom - it needed to be broader - for example my wife (non gamer) likes the show too. Its TV the format is different, TV is always about how the humans interact with each other in these wild situations.  If folks want a retelling of the games 1:1 - go play

untold brand damage, hahahaha. hyperbolic nonsense, most gamers don’t spend their time on the X, kotaku or other echo chambers

exactly, i can already buy PlayStation exclusives on PC a year after they come out on PS5, this is no different to that

Welcome to tech. We could bring back the skilled secretaries who went to school but were replaced by word processors and email. We could bring back skilled human computers who used to calculate by hand and head too. AI is a tool, it will ‘empower’ those who are not artists to create graphical assets quickly like the

ahh but they are hiding it from him and all other presidents - so that proves its all true!

As someone who has aphantasia it’s my understanding that the rest of y’all hallucinate 24x7x365 to varying degrees (minds eye) and for many this can overlay the visual cortex. no wonder y’all think you see angels, gods, monsters, ufos, ghosts and more (and are terrible eye witnesses).

no, the point is to make others think about whether they do or don’t want to give their money to GameStop

i don’t feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to give the money to gamestop

yes people know they will get paid X rate per hour for Y hours, the issue is over time they are asked to do more than Y hours but still get paid for only the original number of houses and the X rate doesn’t keep up with inflation, for decades.... or you get classified as manager and converted from hourly to salary,

most companies have been giving raises lower than inflation for years... well decades actually....

No thats not necessarily the reality. It can actually lead to increased competition if it makes the MS xbox division more competitive (aka not in 3rd place).  Not sure you know how competition actually works....

oh yeah, watch what Ms can do with that pile of cash they didn’t spend - if this doesn’t go through Sony will have woken the proverbial bear.... they will not like what MS does when it actually tries to aggresively compete (no buying activision is not aggressive competition)

No one is pretending that. Not even MS. They are overplaying we are in 3rd place. Thats because its true. This acquisition places them in 2nd place and still smaller than the incumbent leader - Sony. The regulators who are charged with creating competition and making sure competition is not curtailed seem to be

Not really, it’s the bold-face hypocrisy of Sony that they are attacking. Not really the defense of MS. It’s the ‘you can’t be allowed to do what do’ of exclusivity that is pissing people off about Sony. And their BS about this being about players and CoD. It’s not about CoD at all.

No, its that the rest of us don’t buy your argument MS is ten times worse in terms of games, exclusivity etc - Sony is the one that is worst. But we get from your posts you are a Sony shill excusing all of Sony’s self-serving hypocrisy.

don’t panic, its ‘a’ future not the ‘the’ future.

I’m 50 and it works for me, not sure this an age thing per se. More about what one does and doesn’t find amusing, as you say humor is subjective. . Game play wise this seems way more obvious than facing off a boss and there is zero banter. Now if i hit a hard boss and had to hear the same stuff over and over and over

i wonder how much ripped off music is in this - there are samples from Jeff Wayne’s war of the worlds in the opening few seconds as such pretty certain none of the music is original...

I hate most so called rogue games (and esp things like binding of isacc) - aka anything that seems to be just random rooms over and over again.

How is Netflix allowed to download the games via its app on iOS, but MS isn’t allowed to do the same with game pass?