
Yeah, this is the first time I hear that “theory” as well.

This always baffled me, but there’s absolutely like... Trekkies out there who are conservatives and stuff. I don’t get it, did you just think Star Trek was about those cool times when Kirk was punching aliens or Picard zapped guys with phasers? Did you miss like... everything between those moments?

I haven’t seen that! I also wanted to include Patlabor and Summer Wars.... so many good ones.

Other outlets are reporting the woman’s full name is Tami Barker, and that she is an ESL instructor at a local community college. Someone’s in the wrong line of work.

As an Asian person I would like to say how frustrating it can be to tell people, yes we experience racism. And they’ll be like well you guys are so smart! And you’ll be fine.

Read the article to find out the difference!

I absolutely agree with Atlus and the content protection laws on this. Streaming the gameplay in a game like this can really hurt sales more than with other types of games.

I don’t think Heather gets the concept that this game is largely satire of the great platform games.

It’s a question of variety versus raw length, I think. There’s all kind of stuff to do in Yooka-Laylee. You’re bound to find a few mini-games or sequences that really scratch your nostalgic itch.

I would like to provide another friendly reminder to everyone here that major brands pulling their ads off Youtube are not a violation of any YouTubers’ free speech. This is because only the government is prevented from restricting free speech. To say that businesses are violating the free speech of bigots by pulling

A rock band reference? On kotaku? With two separate releases in the past six months, and not a word on the site, I was beginning to wonder if Rock Band was the forbidden tongue.

If this sort of business model takes off, we could end up with an army of jacked otaku; jacktaku, if you will. Although I shudder to think of the violence arcade machines would incur then.

Remind him to turn off the Wi-Fi so he gets good frame rates.

“Rebuild of 6odzilla: You Are (Not) A Suit Actor.”

The most simple way to put it is boys already have “Boys Make Games.” There are plenty of organizations out there to teach coding to everyone. The issues comes from the fact that these are typically geared towards boys and can be quite hostile to girls. In my programming classes we never had more than 3 women. We

There are plenty of game jams and workshops for you. This one is not for you. I can’t imagine that will really affect your life all that much, but if it does, consider it a trade-off for all the other inherent advantages you’ll have in the video game industry. Not having to worry all that much about being sexually

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

I’ve done work on dehydration for the Army. Thirst is NOT a reliable indicator unless under circumstances that you are very acclimated to. Used to living in the Northeast and not doing much physical labor? You’ll find you can’t rely on your thirst to tell you when to drink if you suddenly are doing a lot of work in

God, if there is one thing I learned from Saltybet, it's "never bet DBZ."