
correction, frostbite is not wii u compatible. it would work if EA hadnt decided to stop supporting and optimized it for wii u. all they did was basically stick in an incomplete dev version of frostbite 3 without making any changes then decided it wasn't worth it when the wii u didn't run it perfectly, again, not

I just updated the post with a video of the game at 60fps.

dammit youtube! fix your damn video compression! how am i supposed to enjoy this beautiful game when you keep making it look like crap, even at hd resolutions?!

I'm not sure what your point is. Mine, however, is one I've made several times over the past several months: it makes less and less sense to me that Nintendo has its top people making games for one of its machines that can't also run on its other machine. With Smash Bros. you see them doing parallel development, but

Yeah, I don't get it either. Common sense dictates that this will have a negative impact on their business.

Honestly, its not mean, its just uncreative and lazy. I think they misjudged where the market sentiment towards Nintendo lies right now. I would not disagree that it is a bit pejorative, but no more so than your standard April Fool's "Pranky prank!"

But but... isn't Nintendo a juggernaut? :o

This is the best one, she doesn't even have shoes, but damn she is proud of her sweet sunglasses collection.

Shirts are apparently the first things to go during a zombie apocalypse.

Regardless, the art is good and the ideas are clever. I would have preferred Snow to be surrounding by a cadre of elite zombie-killing murder deers, or 'Murdeers' if you will.

WTF is SNK up to these days? From licensing a game system that emulates their games and then pulling the carpet from Tommo, and then the scant video game releases except for cellphones. I somehow feel history is repeating itself as it did 10 years ago. I want to see KoF14 or Metal Slug 8 or Mark of the Wolves 2, and

Or, ... you know ... PC. You could have to effects now in games, if you play'd on PC, and games were developed for PC.

Huge monsters taking over the world? Bring it on!

Crimea's Attorney General is the Female Titan.

I really want to play this, but on the other hand...that restaurant analogy. I absolutely HATE that sort of restaurant.

Order a PC online.

I see no one is directly answering your question but here's why: A Steam Machine runs on SteamOS which is a Linux distro of sorts. There are currently only a small percentage of Steam games available for Linux - and they are mostly from Valve.
The system is still not very stable according to some

I get my Wii U soon and am looking forward to it.

"What we want are more games".

Sure, but that never seems to be mentioned as an issue for the PS4 or the XBone, both with much more lacking lineups than the Wii U.

"Doc, you're so crazy! Everyone takes shots at each other."

This makes it a lot harder for me to wander into idiots arguing about sexism in cosplay. Thank you, Kotaku.

Really, you picked this image to go with a tsunami-related story?