kisses 2 u
kisses 2 u
Your pussy is too dry to be riding Rihanna's dick like this.
She's cute, but this baby wins for feeling it.
I wouldn't really care—I mean, I'm dead. I'm NOT there. I don't need a fancy coffin. I'm NOT there. Just donate my good organs and incinerate my remains, cuz I've PEACED-OUT muthafuckers.
So Arby's put him out after he burst into flames at Taco Bell, but he still chose Taco Bell over Arby's.
First time a Taco Bell has smelled like real cooked meat.
Poor Arby' a man from immolation, and he will still choose Taco Bell.
Superior in the category of Amount of Diarrhea Caused maybe? I have yet to eat a Hot Pocket that is not a shart in larval form.
He looks like the love child of a sad turtle and Mystery (aka Erik von Markovik aka Nicklebacks #1 Fan…)
I've been a lurking lurker who knows you're a regular commenter, & I'm curious to know if the majority of Jezebel commenters are from the NYC area. I ask because there are always tons of remarks of disbelief regarding the possibility of the existence of the Kim K. body type in nature (I've also seen the same…
I get it, I really do,
Yep! No clothes to put them in, so bras and panties, it is.
This is someone who was hanging out at a trendy, crowded place, it was caught on video, and she went straight to the police, once she figured out what happened. She did everything that every asshole who responds with "BUT DID SHE DO THIS" after hearing a rape account asks about. And she still hasn't seen justice.
Your post makes me rather sad. Don't get me wrong, I am all for health and healthy eating and being active. I myself was extremely proud of the fact that I successfully lost all my baby weight, etc. and was slim and trim with a 5 and 7 year old. My mom, too, blamed all her unhappiness on her "baby weight" and is still…
I don't have a lot of patience for someone who's 20-something and boasts about the hard work they did to bounce back. That's terrific, hon. Now try being 40 and doing the same. Because I assure you, I have worked my ass off - running 5ks, eating right, lifting weights - and yet, my ass has not actually been worked…