
I think I may be able to help you understand what that odd scene in the middle of the movie (intergalactic bureaucracy) was all about. They kept saying she had to go through the ascension process in order to receive her entitlement to claim her title to earth. That is a metaphor for going through spiritual ascension,

@Grierson & Leitch

So down for this. Misty is a Goddess and I'd love to watch her perform live one day.

Rebel's everything *le sigh*

Really? That's scary omg...

I wouldn't really care—I mean, I'm dead. I'm NOT there. I don't need a fancy coffin. I'm NOT there. Just donate my good organs and incinerate my remains, cuz I've PEACED-OUT muthafuckers.

That's awful : / But where was he waiting in traffic that he could see someone grilling?

Yay for Millennials—fuckin' up the world one Pumpkin Spiced Latte at a time!

WinterLady says:

I'm not saying Rachel Zoe has an eating disorder, but for someone as thin as she is, she's mighty fertile...

Oh, cool beans. Thanks for replying.

What's IPL skin treatment? Is it akin to skin lightening?

You're sweet and that's sound advice. Congratulations to you on giving birth to what I am sure is a fabulous baby with an awesome mom ; )

I know. And who knows—maybe after years of therapy I'll feel differently and want to push (not likely). But I'm preparing myself for the inevitable judgment that's bound to come my way.

I still want to have a c-section when it's time for me to give birth. I have a pathological fear of vaginal birth and I've already made up my mind. My body, my fuckin' choice.

Maybe STAR-CROSSED? idk—it still sounds like Starbucks

He's got the best lips too...

"I'm somewhat of a tom-boy but I love being sexy too. I'M NOT A FEMINIST. I tend to side with the way men see things more, it just makes more sense sometimes. I'm a woman that knows what she wants and won't settle till I find it. Life is too short to be miserable." Said this asshat on

you're exhausting. go fuck yourself.