Doing searches that keep the magazine and band of the same name separate will continue to be difficult. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Doing searches that keep the magazine and band of the same name separate will continue to be difficult. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
I think the scene previews that he’s helping a serial rapist get away with his crimes, so I agree.
But that’s only the midpoint of that rollercoaster of an episode.
A year plus into this administration, I find myself still shocked by how awful Pence’s Governorship of Indiana was. The big headlines that came out of there at the time were bad, but some things I’ve learned since then (such as making it harder in districts that tend to vote Democratic to vote at all, and how he…
I often find myself wondering, what would it mean if for some reason Trump could no longer be president and we got stuck with Pence for however many years. He wouldn’t have the cult of personality around him, and at first I thought that would be worth it. But now I’m certain that dealing with Pence is not worthwhile.
I have to ask, if Turmp is more misgynist than sexist, what does that make Pence and the movement from which he comes?
When I rewatched it a couple of years ago I was surprised that there was a fairly long stretch where none of the main characters appeared and most of the dialogue was all exposition explaining the event Gotham was planning.
A few years ago I was at NYCC and decided to go to the Person of Interest panel. While I consider myself a pretty big fan of hte show I had no idea how crazy about Caviezel some people are. I have to think it’s related to having played Jesus because during the Q&A a woman gave him a handmade rossery that she had a…
I was wondering why it was a failed manhunt when I remember it being over fairly quickly. Cunanan took his own life a little over a week after murdering Versace. I had no idea that he was a serial killer before I started seeing promotional material for this. I’m looking forward to learning about it and not just…
Fringe was after The X-Files, which meant it had to go with a stronger mythology/over arching plot. I have mixed feelings about that. (Over all a better batting average, but fewer stand out episodes/less that stands alone.)
I saw a comment about Anderson and Julia Louis Dreyfus not aging, and while they’ve both aged really well, I think this feeling is in part because we spent a long time seeing them play across men who were about a decade older and told they were contemporaries.
Well The National Enquirer is a big Trump proponent, so we did sort of end up in their universe.
I think I also buy less because so many of the big chains that I loved to hang out in. WHile I love how acesible online stores and streaming services have made everything, they don’t provide the rush of flipping through CDs.
While that’s perhaps a longer than average time between releases in our internet-addled, short-term-memory-lapsed age, it’s not like all those bands had abandoned music and decamped to the woods in the interim (not even the dudes in Fleet Foxes).
I saw Dirty Projectors open for TV on the Radio and then bought a couple of the albums I could never get into. Probably the type of experience that got me thinking “no, I really do like pop.”
And the tour was really fun.
I’ve been listening to my music collection going backwards in dates from when I aquried it. I think I knew that I was getting less, but I didn’t really appreciate how much less energy I was spending seeking it out.
It’s not just you, he gained weight to play Dick Cheney.
I feel like there were already a lot of these sorts of stories, such as pinching Katherine Ross’s bottom while screen testing The Graduate, exposing himself to Susan George while rehearsing Straw Dogs, that make the stories unsurprising if not still disappointing.
I stopped seeing the Marvel Movies because they felt like a hybrid of film and TV without either medium’s advantage.