
I was just telling mysister that I don’t think I’m going to be able to avoid spoilers before seeing it on the 25th.

Honestly I thought his motivation was just rejecting the chaos and uncertainty of what his parents struggled with for the percieved , um, order of the First Order. And given the political cycles we’re living through, I had no problem with that.

The Girls? Yeah it was like Mary Gaitskill light, without any of the specificity to make the characters feel real. Also it didn’t hold up after listening to the You Must Remember this Manson focused season a few months before reading it. (Also I don’t want to read any variation or factual retelling of the Manson story

NO, his lack of interest in the prosecution and his certainty that if he were there he could have stopped it because they were “just girls” (especially considering what we know about him and teen girls) is disturbing.

Joking aside, I think it’s kind of disturbing that Polanski lost interest in who killed Sharon Tate an her house guests when the Manson girls were revealed. Thant, and most other things I know about the Polanski-Tate relationship.

Do you really want to say less racist? I’m not sure how that would be measured...

Everything about how prison rehabilitiaion led to him finasseing his cult methods was horrifying. Also all the ways tht he wasn’t that different from other movements in the 1960s.

This isn’t nearly as exciting as that was, but at least we don’t have to wait and find out who he’s going to be repaced with.

The first four (full disclosure, I haven’t watched the fourth season yet) focus on MAura and her family, but there are a fair number of trans characters played by trans actors in supporting roles and since this was announced I’ve been wondering if the show could um.. transition to being about one of their family

This might be a bad example, but he had a couple of very public fight with the network when renewing his contract. ALsothis isn’t the first time Noxon has mentioned him being hard to work with, When she left UnReal she decscribed working on both shows as rewarding, but also parts of a lot of fights.

I admit, I had checked Noxon’s Twitterfeed a couple of time’s since GOrdon made her accusation waiting for a response.

I read her tweet thread Saturday night, looked up her IMDB page, narrowed down the possible shows she was working on to One Tree Hill  and Cougar Town , and then was relieved when a couple of minutes later she said it wasn’t Cougar Town. (I really liked that show.) What I’m saying is: I feel you.

The show is one of my fave’s a, but I met Weiner once and he paid me attention in a way I found creepy... so yes, this isn’t a surprise.

In what is probably not a coincidence, that scene happened in the season Gordon was fired part way through.

My favorite movies Spacey was in are LA Confidential and Margin Call, both of which are huge ensembles, so it’s easy to downplay his roles.

I wasn’t around for Reagan’s election, but were his actions as SAG prescdient ever used against him in campaigning? Because they should have been.

Trump is like Bush without the pretencse that his beliefs are sincerely held. It’s awful how GWB paved the way for this. 

I was recently remembering when the torture stories from Abu Gharib started coming out. As bad as this is, there is no reason to look back to that fondly.

Heigl’s been bringing this up in interviews for years, at least as far back as Roswell. I don’t think she would if it didn’t really bother her.

I h oestly thought he was dead, and now struggle to think who actually died was.