
If that 10% (with an exclamation point no less) helps sooth your cognitive dissonance, go ahead. But facts are facts, and in fact both white men AND women are responsible. There are many articles even on this site to clarify this for you, perhaps a map as well (see above though it is pre-election, and note the states.

Finely shredded lettuce, garbanzo beans, water chestnuts, and finely ground mild beef mush, with a complimentary Werther’s Original for dessert!

Oh, man, I can’t wait ‘til this bodyshaming football post gets spliced to Jezebel!

‘Boca Raton Bowl’ sounds like something on the early bird menu at a reasonably priced family restaurant.

If he doesn’t clean up his act soon, he’s flirting with a multi-game suspension.

Um. This was rape. Nothing any lawyer says can make that not true, it is clear cut. Secondly, of course it was racially motivated, because who the fuck knows what a “Ku Klux Klan” song is? Third, yes, he was targeted for being “vulnerable” and that vulnerability is intersectional: he is both black and disabled. Black

and then the attorney...

Belichick prefers players keep their murdering to the window from the end of February to mid April. I have to feel like he would have cut or traded Hernandez as soon as he found out how far out of the calendar parameters his homicides fell.

Why shouldn’t he be subject to the consequences of a sex offender when he is a fucking sex offender? Wow it’s so painfully obvious that white men and boys are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.

The idea that this dude was out murdering people in the summer, then reporting to training camp a few weeks later and playing NFL games, is just crazy.

Whether Stuttgart are back and performing well in the Bundesliga in a year or two, and whether the goals of Green are a key part in getting them there, is now a matter to a large extent in Green’s own hands.

Remember, the quarterback who becomes a runner loses quarterback protection but still has unnecessary roughness protection so at this point if the quarterback starts his slide before contact is imminent by that defender, he can’t be contacted to any part of his body. If he starts his slide late, he can be contacted

I saw a defender playing against the Patriots touch his helmet to signal his teammates, the refs interpreted that as a threat to touch Brady’s helmet at some future point and preemptively banned him from the league for 99 years.

Agreed. A wayward hand to a QB helmet is almost always flagged, even when he’s a runner. Forcible must mean if QB=Newton

This is certainly the first time I’ve ever heard “forcible” as a reason to not flag clear helmet-to-helmet contact by a defender, let alone clear helmet-to-helmet contact by a defender in a context where the QB has already given himself up and can’t be hit at all. Or heard that word at all in an NFL context really.

Since the contract defines ‘operable’ legally he should be entirely in the clear.

Excellent work. Have an (unaffiliated) star.

Being a huge fan of the Cowboys myself I got the EXACT same tattoo. Been wondering why cars have been driving by shooting up my house. Now it all makes sense.

He has shown INCREDIBLE leadership...

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.