Alexander Riccio

I STILL can't figure out what's funny.

Even cooler, a device is available ("AcceleDent") that speeds tooth realignment via ultrasonic pulses. And yes, it works.


Now playing

Oh yeah, THIS is scary. That thing in Louisiana? Pfft.

it ruptures their swim bladders.

I'd guess that the overall efficiency of the (120v wall power-> 12vDC + 12vDC->battery chemical + battery chemical->12vDC + 12vDC ->120v AC + 120v AC -> 19v DC laptop power) converters would be absolutely abysmal, maybe 25% at best. It'd probably do a better job keeping you warm than powering your gadgets!

Actually, no. Right around the age when my peers started doing idiotic things like inflicting pain for fun, I figured out who these idiots were, and promptly stopped hanging out with them.

when my peers started Ri

This brilliant paper circulated several months ago.

"The fact that dopamine has opposing effects in different parts of brain is an interesting, and in fact troublesome, finding. Many existing psychotropic medications—for instance, those used to treat attention-deficit disorder—affect absolute dopamine levels. This finding suggests that shifting dopamine distribution

IT IS "BASED ON"!! not "Based off"!!!

Subjects were trained on contrast detection of Gabor targets under backward masking conditions, posing temporal constraints on the visual processing. The training covered a range of spatial frequencies and orien- tations that were modified in accordance with the performance improvement. Subjects were trained in a dark


Remind anybody else of Pummelvision?