Made in the USA
Made in the USA
@Magasx: Yes. You were.
A urigrow commercial is obligatory here. []
@TheMightyTexMex: You mean gamepads?
@P3nnst8r: F U Eagles: Most awesome music video ever
@reffu: As long as they don't replace the screws...
"(they wrote more, faster, and more complete sentences)" Thats funny, because I'm the exact opposite. My writing is much more complete when I type it out instead of writing it out. Maybe its the terrible handwriting?
@snark_attack: Just disable the gravity option. Problem solved.
lol discovery wings.....lasted like 2 years didn't it?
@Rambaldi: Thats not creepy at all.
@McMike: the Su-47 also has one of those weird forward swept designs.
@B-1Pilot: I would think that the smart thing to do would be to mount some sort of active protection system on this thing... Take out the missiles before impact
@tusing: Not an RPG but most MANPADS could
@Kaiser-Machead: Would you like to lower the difficulty level?
@akumaserge: I don't think PETA vouches for things that lack a central nervous system.
"brain parts like the nucleus accumbens"
@Johnbobz: So the screensaver was running, and she thought the thing was off?
@geolemon: No. Thats for Microsoft surface 2