Alexander Riccio

@george111: Would have been funnier if the video compression didn't kill it.

In unrelated news,

How can you do a guide with only a sentence on FiveThirtyEight? They really are awesome.

I wish my school would follow this doctrine.

@t('-'t): haha me too. Its actually an incredibly interesting site.

@t('-'t): What makes you say its in those tunnels?

@DrSpaceboots: You are assuming they already haven't?

@jp182: So are these guys just stupid?

Whitson, doesn't µtorrent have a built in blocklist, that can be enabled in advanced under "ipfilter.enable" and updated by batch file?

BS she convinced an expert.

This made me wanna cry.

My favorite feature, is that if you click "No"(don't save) it will automatically recover the document for you.

I bet you they were NOT dreaming peacefully.

This is great!