@george111: Would have been funnier if the video compression didn't kill it.
@george111: Would have been funnier if the video compression didn't kill it.
In unrelated news,
I wish my school would follow this doctrine.
@t('-'t): haha me too. Its actually an incredibly interesting site.
@t('-'t): What makes you say its in those tunnels?
Time to start combing through lists of abandoned tunnels. [www.columbia.edu]
@DrSpaceboots: You are assuming they already haven't?
@Jonathan Parent: AND FIND THE KILLER!
@Jonathan Parent: Lets,
@fuzzypiglet: #youarebannedin3..2...1...
@jp182: So are these guys just stupid?
Whitson, doesn't µtorrent have a built in blocklist, that can be enabled in advanced under "ipfilter.enable" and updated by batch file?
This made me wanna cry.
@Alexander Riccio: goddamn upload cant get it right,