Alexander Riccio

@Samuel James Reha: But is it really worth the effort to try and read gizmodo without a minimal knowledge of apple products?

Ahhh, what about the Tosh.O neck tube baby,

SOO tempted to post this. but I will restrain myself to just posting a link

by then can we buy a red cross portable spaceship home for when the sun goes KA-BOOM?

@Samuel James Reha: he could stop reading gizmodo, because he is clearly too stupid?

iTunes 10,

iTunes 10,

@Google: Privacy is Job 1: I can't figure out for the life of me why apple wouldn't put at least 512MB of ram in their tablet?

Why did he write that on the wall?

@2 replies: haha of course you know hawaii is not part of the US, how do you think Obama isn't the legal president?

did it see this?

@alexmg2420: it looks to me like he has windows 7 with the old style taskbar

@sonutulsiani: Somebody has been playing alot of fallout