Alexander Riccio

@radink: You are going to start a flame war!

Chinese news agency:

Speaking from a cyberwar perspective,

To speak for all students:

PC specs?


I just teared up a little bit.

A desk in my home office, with two computers for work and an old TV (with a VCR!) for multitasking. (2 stickers on the monitor, 2 stickers directly above the monitor, two mini posters above and to the left, 2 near the special coke bottles to the right, one large draped one, and one on the paperweight) Having the

why is "hacking into the nearest missile base and launching a missile at yourself" on here?

What do you consider small?

*Swallows vomit*

A TON of the kids at my school have iPads, and the only thing its done is make it easier for them to get away with not paying attention.

@Squalor: Would be awesome as rainmeter

@tj: oh crap,