Alexander Riccio

@MarcusMaximus: he could mean things like mouseover, which kinda suck right now.

Of course....

It doesn't matter.

No one could ever use "the bus was late" excuse again!

Processing is also a fantastic way to introduce yourself to programming,



Just as I was certain about the uncertainty principle, scientists are now certain that the uncertainty principle is of questionable certainty?

Why is it that every time I FINALLY decide on buying a zune HD, rumors like this surface?

Never say Never.

I HOPE they aren't taking them to the field. I have a feeling the sound of a Howitzer going off anywhere in the vicinity would cause the screen to crack.

Beta for family

My personal favorite allows me to open a chrome app for any website.

@LTMP: in comparison to gasoline, Natural gas is VERY clean, clean enough that you could breath the exhaust right at the tailpipe from a NGV.

Thought the white house was too security aware to use OSX

This will * DEFINITELY* make me sleep easier.