Why is it that every time I FINALLY decide on buying a zune HD, rumors like this surface?
Why is it that every time I FINALLY decide on buying a zune HD, rumors like this surface?
Never say Never.
I HOPE they aren't taking them to the field. I have a feeling the sound of a Howitzer going off anywhere in the vicinity would cause the screen to crack.
Beta for family
My personal favorite allows me to open a chrome app for any website.
@LTMP: in comparison to gasoline, Natural gas is VERY clean, clean enough that you could breath the exhaust right at the tailpipe from a NGV.
Thought the white house was too security aware to use OSX
This will * DEFINITELY* make me sleep easier.
@VoidingWarranties: That sounds like an awesome ability.
@SilentAssassn87: Hmmmm
@marshmellow: Then why havent the 14,000 active wells in New York *right now* caused that damage already?
@ak4ray005: This definitely deserves blu-ray
@VoidingWarranties: From what I remember, Nolan had developed the ability when he was 16.
@ePrometheus: +10000
@gestuno: +1 for Microsoft's new tagline for windows 7
Clearly you guys have never heard of Jack Bauer
@marshmellow: The Pickens plan DOES include the use of wind power, and it hinges on it. Solar power and geothermal are talked about, but they are less efficient and harder to deploy.
@LTMP: I would like to consider that a plan that would enable us to generate 20% of our electricity from clean sources by leveraging natural gas to be past that critical "point", and more than just a "little more natural gas".