Alexander Riccio

@RT100: Funny the way google works...

@RT100: Console Gamer

@RT100: South Park

I knew the name RAZER sounded aggressive, but this is just crazy!

Does the iHuman give you "freedom from" anything apple chooses?

So what about that big NO PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO sign near the midtown tunnel?

If they couldn't stop this, what is to stop evildoers from hidng viruses in the same way?So much for the whole "walled garden" idea

What would happen if we added this to most "i-Dosing" songs?

A device to induce sensory deprivation already exists, its called an isolation tank ([] and it induces a form of meditation.

[Insert Yo Dawg joke here] (iDosing optional)

@pjc.mashtun: Why would they be reading how oil drilling works?

When I compare this to the "Advanced" 2D ball bouncing stuff I created in Scratch.... Well, its just depressing.

I knew they had plans for superfetch, but this is just ridiculous.

@Wade McGillis: I've been running it on a netbook for a while. It really isn't bad, and I have never seen it slow.

@Maave: If thats what they meant, the headline would read,"Console owners distraught by the inclusion of twitch-shooting PC players into gameplay"

This means absolutely nothing. Chuck does things like this all the time, especially on Sundays or other slow news days. He only wants attention, because getting his face/name in the news makes people think he is on top of things. He could write an open letter to Balloon Boy's father about being stupid, because at the