Alexander Riccio

WIIMOKNCT or we mock Kinnect?

@Frizkie: Have you seen the new xbox? it has built in wifi. and since when is a 100mb Ethernet connection a handicap?

10. Google reader is fantastic, why do I need anything else.

I still can't see how this can work well

This is BS. how can you charge someone for using someone else's bandwidth because yours doesn't work? There has to be anti- trust in this somewhere.

Now playing

@Lord_Data: Here is 10,000: .... there is one that says 100,000 barrels but its just a rick roll

@minibeardeath: if you load too many barrels into cry engine, it will take FOREVER to render.

@sentroshi: That show is basically the only reason I ever listen to radio anymore!

Even Better:

@DaCapin: Can you write for gizmodo?

Forza 3 ... $30

They used Firefox in their demo? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. haha.

@Skyjumper: (if your using chrome) just type "cache:" in front of the URL. Worked for me.

@Limbero: Apparently there is an urban dictionary definition of it.

Did we crash the article on GMail's intrusion detection feature?

Either jailbreak or use another phone. Totally possible, but also impossible to enforce.

@bender123: Yes! Its magical and revolutionary. It can adapt to serve any function with little configuration! All you need to get started is a $500 apple certified pen.